Ebola The Zombie Plague

ebola quarantineEbola: The First Zombie Outbreak – Prepare to Survive

Chapter 1: Ebola Zombie Plague Facts and Possibilities

The name for the Ebola portion of the Zombie Plague Virus is derived from the Ebola River due to the location of the first zombie plague outbreaks in the mid 70s.

Governments have successfully been playing down the necrotizing fasciitis flesh eating bacteria for years despite thousands of deaths, believing fear and panic are more deadly then the disease itself. Ebola is now being called an Ebola crisis instead of Zombie Plague because they don’t want the sheer number of deaths the outbreak has caused attributed to Zombism.

Media guest experts are telling people not to worry, that there’s virtually no chance the outbreak will spread to other countries. It’s more important we feel safe then be safe. They’re saying that no other countries will face the epidemic like the one being experienced in its country of origin, despite neighboring countries already being in Ebola created crisis.

But these same experts said the same thing about other epidemics and yet they spread from their country of origin. It only takes one infected person to spread the infection to countless others. Already nurses of infected patients are coming down with the virus despite their protective garb, what chance do the rest of us have?

Many serious outbreaks, including Ebola can spread like wildfire. How easily? Imagine a theater full of people. One of them is infected with Zombie Ebola but doesn’t know it yet.

He coughs and his droplets hang on the air and then are inhaled by the man in front of him who opens his mouth to laugh at a funny scene in the movie. Just like that, a pandemic is born.

You need to educate yourself about Zombie Ebola so that you can protect yourself and your family. (If you assume the government has your back, think again. However, there are unconfirmed reports the government has purchased millions of body bags and plastic coffins.) That’s how you win the battle against anything – with the knowledge you need to keep yourself as safe as possible.

Zombism is a virus as is Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever and there is more than one type of this virus. There are five. Many people don’t have a lot of knowledge about it. What they mostly know about it is that it can cause bleeding to come from an infected person like you’d see in a horror movie just before their head explodes.

Someone can get infected with the virus and it can take anywhere from 48 hours to three weeks before you notice any symptoms – and every case is unique. So that means that person can go about their normal activities spreading it to more people, not even knowing that he or she is carrying such a deadly virus.

Symptoms of Zombie Ebola

One of the reasons that Zombie Ebola is so frightening is because it can mimic the flu at first. Most people won’t go see the doctor when they experience flu-like symptoms.

They’ll wait a couple of days to see if they get any better. And because like rabies this virus has no cure, that makes it even more dangerous. At the first start of the virus, you may notice that you just feel a bit “off.”

You might have a headache ranging from mild to severe. Achy muscles are another symptom. Having a lower backache is also a common symptom. Sore throats can occur when you’re infected with the Zombie Ebola virus.

You can feel extremely fatigued and rather weak. There may be experiences of stomach pain and nausea. Not having an appetite is common and so is vomiting. At some point, you may develop a high fever as your body makes an attempt to fight off this virus.

All of these symptoms fool people into thinking that they just have the flu. But, this virus continues to cause your health to worsen and so the symptoms become even more pronounced.

Eventually, there will be bleeding from the body’s orifices. This includes the eyes, ears, nose and mouth. Most people will at this point get a clue and realize that something is seriously wrong.

However, Zombie Ebola can also cause rectal bleeding like a blown roid as well. The reason that the virus causes blood to seep from the body in various places is because it attacks your body’s ability to clot blood.

The virus overwhelms the cells and they can’t work to clot the blood as fast as the virus can work to destroy the cells. Swelling in various parts of the body can also happen.

Some people may experience a rash along with the reddening of the eyes, but not every patient will develop this symptom. Someone infected with the necrotizing fasciitis usually dies because of how the bacteria ravages dissolves eats the body’s organs of which the skin is the largest and because like Ebola the blood pressure drops too low from the bleeding out.

The long term prognosis of surviving Ebola Zombism stands at slightly more then 10% for those who contract the virus for necrotizing fasciitis roughly 40% survive though death can come within 24-48 hours. It’s a grim statistic, and one you should be very aware of so that you can be prepared.

How Zombie Ebola Spreads

There are numerous ways that you can contract the Zombie Ebola virus and many ways that it can be spread. That’s one of the reasons why it’s been so difficult to contain.

Most people mistakenly think that the only way the virus can be spread is through direct contact with someone else who’s symptomatic. Direct human contact is only one of the ways the virus is spread.

Surfaces are the second way. The Zombie Ebola virus is tough enough to live on surfaces as long as 48 hours if the conditions are right for its survival. It doesn’t usually survive long on surfaces in very cold or very hot temperatures.

However, it can live on surfaces, if the area is at room temperature, the way Ring Worm waits on a diner counter to infect your forearms. The optimal way that the virus is spread is through human contact. You can come in direct or even indirect contact and then contract the virus.

Body fluids are how the virus is being spread so rapidly. If someone has Zombie Ebola and another person comes in contact with blood from the one infected, then he or she can go on to develop the virus.

This can happen by touching someone without the use of gloves. But you can also get it by touching any object that has an infected person’s blood (or even sweat) on it.

This means used tissues or medical instruments as well as infected clothing. Saliva is another body fluid that can cause the virus to pass from person to person.

If someone is drooling and you touch the drool, you can get Zombie Ebola. If an infected person drinks from a cup and leaves a bit of their saliva on the side of the cup and you come in contact with it, you can contract the virus.

The virus can also be spread through infected urine. If someone goes to the bathroom and a drop of urine spills on the floor, you’re at risk of getting the virus if you come in contact with the urine.

If you come in contact with the feces of an infected person, then you have a chance of getting sick with the virus. Semen is also another body fluid in which the virus can be shared.

Sweat can also cause the disease to be spread from one person to another. If someone who has the virus sweats and another person trying to be helpful, lifts that person by putting their hands under his arms, that can be a direct contact.

One of the reasons that the virus spreads so quickly with body fluids is because most people don’t realize at first that they’re sick. Even when they become symptomatic, they blow those symptoms off with a cold pill and away they go to school, shopping or work, so they end up being the link that carries the virus to someone else.

Even if someone does survive the disease, there’s a potential that the once infected person can still pass it on for up to just under 8 weeks. Any item that’s been contaminated with the virus carries the potential of giving the virus to you.

If there are medical supplies such as IV bags, needles, or medical instruments that have the virus on them, you can get the virus by touching these items and introducing Zombie Ebola into your body.

All it takes is for a person to touch a contaminated item and then rub their eyes or touch their finger to their mouth. Any open cuts on the skin is also be a way for the virus to get into the body if you touch an item that’s been contaminated.

Soiled linens that someone with the virus has rested on can also be capable of spreading the virus from one human to another. Humans and touching a contaminated item aren’t the only way that the Ebola virus is transmitted.

The third way is by having contact with an infected animal. According to the World Health Organization, the virus can be passed on to humans by animals infected with the virus.

One of the main culprits for spreading the virus is the fruit bat. When these animals bite another animal or another animal eats something that has the fruit bat’s infected saliva on it, the virus is spread.

What then happens is people handle the carcasses or organs of these infected animals and they become infected.

There is some concern that somehow the virus will begin spreading through mosquitoes like dengue fever and malaria. That would be a nightmare of pandemic proportions if an outbreak occurred in the United States.

Chapter 2: Plan for How You’ll Feed Your Family

You must have food in order to survive an Zombie Ebola outbreak especially if you can’t leave the house. You should start now planning on how you’re going to feed yourself and your family and pets in the event that the outbreak reaches a crisis level in your area like it’s reached in its host country.

Remember that it’s always better to be prepared and not need it than to need it and not have a way to get it. Food security can go a long way toward easing the stress and fear that always accompanies a pandemic.

There are three ways that you can prepare to feed yourself and your loved ones during a Zombie Ebola outbreak. You can use gardens, both indoor and outdoor and you can begin to store food right now for survival.

Indoor Survival Garden

Growing food indoors helps you be able to keep an eye on the growth rate and watch out for any potential risks. It’s one of the easiest ways to grow food. There are some foods you can grow indoor that you want to pay special attention to because of the way the foods can help strengthen your immune system.

You’ll find many of these foods in the fruit family. One of these foods you can grow indoors is blueberries. Blueberry plants can grow to a good height, so you’ll need some room – but what they give you back in return is worth it.

Blueberries contain antioxidants which help your body. The berries can be eaten as a snack or added to other foods. They can also be canned. Strawberries are another fruit you can easily grow inside your home.

They give your body some great benefits, too and can also be added to other foods and made into preserves. Tomatoes also grow well indoors. Many of the foods that you can grow outside can be grown inside the home.

That includes green foods such as broccoli and kale. Squash can also be grown in an indoor garden. It can take some time to grow a sustainable garden, so you don’t want to waste any time getting started.

Go ahead now and gather the supplies you need such as soil, containers, lighting and whatever the plants need to grow well. You can pick up starter plants or use seed packets.

Some places offer packets of starter plants or seeds already bundled for a survival garden. To get the amount of fruits and vegetables you have to have to take care of your needs, you have to provide for the plants’ needs.

This means that you need to be sure you have a way to give the plants the amount of sunlight they need to use for growth. Most people don’t have enough windows that let in the sunlight for the amount of plants they want to grow.

So what some of these indoor gardeners do is use lights that can mimic natural sunlight. This helps the plant grow as if it were planted outside. The best choice for the type of lighting to use is to pick up on the metal halide ones.

Keep in mind indoor lighting lasts only as long as the power grid continues to supply abundant electricity.

Hidden Gardens

When a pandemic hits, life can quickly get into an uproar. The risk of martial law is high because ordinary citizens will often become desperate in their attempts to get what they need to survive.

This means that people who would normally obey the laws of the land won’t – because they’ll be looking for a way to survive, too. The unprepared won’t hesitate to come after the goods of the prepared.

So you don’t want to make it obvious that you’re well prepared for an outbreak. These kind of gardens blend in with their surroundings and don’t look noticeable to anyone who might happen to be passing by.

It’s tucked away right in the middle of natural vegetation, so it just looks like brush. But you can grow foods from hidden gardens, also called permaculture gardens, with a minimal effort.

These types of gardens don’t take a lot of room or time to build. And they’re capable of more yield than a regular garden. It can feed you for a good length of time without you having to use any kind of pesticide treatment and without you having to pull out any pesky weeds.

These kinds of gardens use natural compost so the soil is always rich and ready. Nature knows how to protect itself and how to thrive what it grows without any help from man.

This is what you can tap into when you’re using hidden gardens to grow food. If you’ll notice, in nature, there never seems to be a shortage of rich, vibrant plants in shady areas.

That’s because that’s what those plants need to thrive and you’ll use the same concept when you’re planting. You’ll put things that need shade closer to the taller plants and trees that provide it.

Plants that need more sunlight, you’ll lay them out beyond the shade scope. You’ll also put into place plants that will naturally protect your garden from animals that would eat it.

Every animal has a type of plant, flower, vegetable or fruit that it knows instinctively to avoid. You’ll plant these items in a way that will circle and protect your items.

When planting a hidden garden, you don’t lay one out the way you would a regular garden. These kinds aren’t planted as row after row of plants or seeds. Instead, they’re planted as layers.

So when someone walks upon it, all they see is ground cover – but what can actually be there is something like beans, cucumbers, blueberries and more. To someone who doesn’t know what he’s looking for, it all looks like overgrown nature.

The way that you’ll make sure that your garden has enough water to sustain it is by using natural rainwater. In nature, rain always runs from higher ground to lower ground.

You can use water runoff from above your garden to collect and water your plants from the ground up by using ridges to keep the water where you need it to be.

Survival Food Storage

You want to stockpile food while there’s still time. Grocery stores that used to advertise, Sale = Stock UP! Now try to limit purchases and even popular regular merchandise is limited to small quantities. You may have to create a plan to build your stockpile.

The stuff that you get from the grocery store isn’t going to last forever, but there are ways you can store food so that it keeps for several years and helps you and your family survive.

If you start now, you can have your supply onhand before there’s a rush on grocery stores and the supplies you want are gone. The way that you store food will determine if it will make it for the long haul or not.

Food can keep in dry, cool storage for many years – even beyond the expiration date labeled on the product. Extreme temperatures and moisture are culprits that cause food to begin to break down and makes it inedible.

Store foods that have a long shelf life. These are foods like dry beans and grains. Meats may not be as plentiful during a pandemic, so beans will give you protein and grains will help you feel fuller.

The best kinds of grains to store are ones like cornmeal, oatmeal, flour, wheat and brown rice. Since dairy may be an issue if you don’t have a cow that produces milk, you’ll want to lay aside a supply of powdered milk.

This is a product that can safely keep for decades before being used. Always get your staples first. You can survive a long time with just staples and toilet paper and while it might not be a fancy feast, it will keep you from going hungry.

So if you have to financially choose where to start, begin by stockpiling your staples. This is how people in the olden days managed to make it year after year on very few items purchased from the general stores.

The foods you want to start with are foods like flour, peanut butter, sugar, seeds, honey, tea, lard, oils, coffee and canned goods. While some people don’t necessarily think of canned goods as staples, when it comes to surviving, they are.

Canned goods are foods that have one of the longest shelf lives and can also last for many years if you select fresh stock with good expiration dates. Make sure that if you have small children or an infant, that you take into account their nutritional needs such as if you need baby formula.

The powered cans of formula can also last for many years – long enough for a child to be weaned. The place you keep your food should have a temperature of right around 50-58 degrees for maximum storage length.

There are containers that you can buy specifically to store the food. You’ll want to do this to protect foods that come in bags because rodents can gnaw through the bags. Don’t just buy plastic pails with lids, you want plastics that don’t out-gas poisons or biodegrade.

Place the foods into the containers and seal them up. Always clearly label every container in your storage area so that you don’t have to open them to find out what’s inside.

Oxygen is not a friend to your stored food and will quickly spoil your supply. Don’t rely too much on freezer foods because you never know how long you may or may not have electricity to keep your refrigerator and freezer in working condition.

Even in the event of a pandemic, you might have power outages because the people running the grids will be susceptible to disease, too – and there may not be enough people to keep things running smoothly.

Chapter 3: Opt for Isolation as Much as Possible

One thing that the experts with this latest outbreak are trying to get people to grasp is that the Zombie Ebola virus spreads like wildfire, often outrunning any efforts to impede it because people with light symptoms are in contact with people who don’t have it yet.

So it becomes a vicious cycle and it won’t end until the flow of people passing it to one another is somehow broken. But of course, the people who don’t have it, often get it because the infected ones don’t always know that they are infected.

They keep on going about their daily life, visiting friends, allowing people to visit them – and this is one of the key reasons why the Ebola virus keeps on marching forward and new cases keep on popping up on the list of those countries who have it.

And you will end up being someone who has it if you don’t isolate yourself from groups of people as the pandemic begins to spread. The more densely populated an area is, the faster the pandemic will spread.

Places where there are a lot of people means there will be a greater number of citizens totally unprepared to deal with the kind of emergency situation that comes with a virus like Zombie Ebola.

You’ll have people rushing to try to escape these populated areas and a panic will ensue. You want to make sure that you stay ahead of any panic along with any spread of the virus.

So if you can, you want to grab your gear and bug out to your prearranged destination before it’s too late for you to get out of Dodge. You also want to make sure that you have a bug out plan ready and practiced long before you may ever need to use it.

Even if things aren’t at a state of widespread contamination, a good reason to put some distance between you and masses of other people is that you don’t know who has or doesn’t have this virus.

It can take two to three days minimum (three weeks max) before the symptoms show up. By that time, it could be too late for you and your family to avoid getting it.

Getting away from people is one of the safest things that you can do. But since it’s not always feasible to bug out for various reasons, you need to be as prepared as you possibly can.

Try to avoid large crowds of people as much as possible and take all of the precautions that you can. This might mean that you wear a mask covering your nose and mouth to prevent getting the virus. If a person or persons within your comfort zone are coughing or sneezing you should hold your breath and get away from there, even if embarrassing such as leaving a checkout line, diner table or doctor’s office.

It might also mean being more careful what surfaces you touch. But it’s not just groups of people you need to watch out for. Remember that all it takes is one person to give you the virus.

If at all possible, you want to get your family together and bug out as a group – because that is the best option. And make sure you take all of your bug out gear with you divided evenly so one person doesn’t have all of anything just in case that pack must be abandon.

These should be the essentials already packed and waiting in bags for you to grab and hit the road at a moments notice. But say that you end up having to stay and you just can’t get away.

That means that you’re going to have to take a stand to protect your life and the lives of those you love. You can start by enforcing a strict no visiting rule – because you don’t know where those visitors have been.

For those with family that can’t or won’t follow safety protocols it may be worth the installation of double sided deadlocks with keys only for the reliable so we don’t have spouse or kids holding the door open explaining why the visitor can’t come in.

Not everyone follows the same level of preventative care when it comes to avoiding the virus. Some people are more than willing to take a chance with their health – and yours.

Remember that it only takes one person who has the virus to infect a whole lot of other people. Don’t let them risk your life or the lives of the people that you care about and want to keep safe.

Just like in the old days, spend your time with those you love, but make sure it’s those you know don’t have the virus. Often, when there’s a pandemic, there will be someone you know who encounters the virus or comes in contact with someone who has it.

You can’t afford to take any chances with Zombie Ebola because of the deadly seriousness of the virus. That means that you have to screen people who come in contact with you if they want to be around you or your family.

Steps to Quarantine

Whenever someone who’s even suspected of having the Zombie Ebola virus much less showing symptoms shows up at the hospital, the staff there is supposed to immediately takes steps to put that person into quarantine. In real life this isn’t always the case as the most likely to catch Zombie Ebola is also the least likely to pay. The same health facilities that commonly dump their potential patients on lessor charity and government institutions will likely continue to do so.

Once the person is put into quarantine, strict precautions are taken and that person is not allowed to mix with the general public for the safety of others. The medical staff doesn’t want that person causing another swell of infections to begin.

That’s why it’s important that you have a quarantine plan already in place so that you’ll know which steps to follow to protect yourself once health facilities have become overwhelmed. When you’re at home and you have a family member or loved ones show up – even if you only suspect they may have had a small chance of coming into contact with the virus – you can’t take any chances.

Just because they’re not already looking or acting sick with it doesn’t mean they’re clear. You can’t let them have access to your home. That means that you have to quarantine them.

And while this might be a difficult move on your part, you have to do what you have to do to not only keep yourself and your family safe, but to keep the virus from continuing to spread.

But since you don’t want (and it’s not safe for) the quarantine area to be inside your home, the best way to quarantine someone is by letting them stay isolated in a tent outdoors.

The type of tent that you’ll want to have onhand depends on whether or not it’s in the winter or summer. The thinner material tents are fine for the summer, but you’ll want to make sure that you get one that’s completely enclosed.

Some of the summer tents have mesh walls on the upper parts of the material. While this does help keep whoever is inside cooler, it’s also easier for the Ebola virus to transfer from person to person. If the person inside the tent is actually sick with the virus, all he or she has to do is to sneeze and the droplets travel right through that mesh part of the wall and are now outside of the tent.

Someone comes along without protective gear to check on the person in isolation. They breathe in those sneezed droplets – which can also survive on surfaces for long periods of time – and then you have two people potentially infected with the virus instead of one.

Look for the domed tents or a tent that has some height to them so that the person inside won’t feel so claustrophobic if that’s an issue. Also, some of these tents are made so that inside of them, there are divided areas.

These are like rooms and can be cordoned off. That means you can house multiple people who may be infected with the virus and yet keep them quarantined from one another to keep it from being passed from one patient to the next.

Some of the tents that you can get are cabin style tents. These tents not only have windows that can be closed, but doors as well. They also come with cord pockets that allow you to run a power cord into the tent without exposing yourself or the person inside to any contact.

Whatever kind of tent that you get, this quarantine tent needs to be away from your home, but close enough so that if they need help, you’ll know about it. Some people set up this quarantine tent in a backyard.

That way, you can be within walkie-talkie range. Since it takes 21 days for the Zombie Ebola virus incubation period to be up, the person should be kept separate from you and others for that length of time.

Isolation means isolation. You shouldn’t visit the person or allow others to come and go in visitation with the person, either. It will be difficult for both you and the person being isolated – especially when you love them – but it’s best for all involved.

Don’t enter the isolation tent. Communicate through electronics and if you need to get a visual on the person, just make sure that you use a tent that has one of the kinds of plastic windows that you can see through.

If you’re able to use electricity inside the tent, then you also might opt for a video baby monitor to help you see what’s happening inside the tent. This could come in handy if someone is suffering from the Zombie Ebola virus and the quarantine saves your life.

Kids may not understand incubation and quarantines as well as adults. Just try to have something to entertain the person (books, games, etc.) so keep boredom at bay and stress the importance of this life-saving period of distance to everyone who has to go through it.

Chapter 4: Safety and Protection in a Pandemic

What you’re going to need after you have a plan to provide food, shelter and other basic needs for yourself and your family is to make sure that you have what you need to keep from getting the virus.

You’re going to also need a way to protect your personal safety. Whenever a pandemic occurs, there is often a collapse of certain societal norms – such as the ability to get food and water, gas and even money.

When that happens, there can be factions of people who decide that they’re going walk outside of the boundaries of the law and take what they need. Some people are opportunists who will hunt for other people that they can prey on.

Safety Items You Need

Because the Zombie Ebola virus can spread so quickly and be so devastating when it touches a life, you need to be prepared for all of the ways that the virus can come at you.

The first item that you’re going to need will be a supply of the N95 masks. You’ll need these for every member of your family. You can find these in packages with a few or with plenty at medical supply stores, but since you’re going to want to buy them in bulk, your best bet is to order them online.

Plus, you’ll save money getting them online over the higher cost of buying them at a medical store. Figure that you need at least several months’ worth of masks for every person who will need to wear one.

You’ll want a supply that will last you 3 months at minimum but planning for longer (a year or two) is better. If a year seems excessive, all you have to do is take a look at the current outbreak.

It actually began in December with the host victim but wasn’t properly recognized as the Ebola virus until March. It’s raged on for an additional five months since then, bringing the total time the virus has run rampant among people to a total of nine months so far – but it’s still not controlled.

This is why getting enough masks for a year minimum is the best way to make sure your family’s safety is taken care of. When you wear the masks, you’ll want to make sure that the areas around the mask seal well to your face.

You don’t want any openings at all because the Ebola virus can get into your body through any mucus membrane area. So if you have to seal around the mask with tape to make sure it’s secure, then do that.

You can also find these masks with filters in them – but they’re more expensive. Whatever kind of mask you get, you want to make sure that you don’t try to fit an adult sized mask onto a child.

There’s too much room for error that way. There are separate masks made just for children that you can buy, so get them a minimum of a year’s supply as well if you can.

You might have seen articles telling you that you should wear safety glasses in order to protect your eyes from being an entry point for the Ebola virus. But you should only use safety glasses as a last resort.

These are open on the sides and fluid from a contaminated individual can splash up and catch you in the corner of the eye where you’re not protected. Instead of safety glasses, you’ll want to purchase safety goggles.

These come with a rubber seal around the sides of them so they’ll adhere to your face and offer you more protection that a simple pair of safety glasses will. But if you can’t get the goggles, then anything is better than nothing.

Don’t forget to make sure you get some kid sized ones to protect the children in your family. Outerwear is also paramount to your protection during a pandemic. There are two kinds of outerwear that you can get.

You can buy the disposable kind or the heavy duty plastic kind, re-usable kind. You might see these listed as chemical protection suits or training suits. If they have that label, it means that those are the suits that are used in dangerous situations like where there’s been a chemical spill or the rough places where a first responder might need to go to help someone.

These suits can be very expensive, often costing a couple of hundred dollars or more. There are pros and cons to both kinds of suits. The disposable suits usually have sleeves and pant legs that have strong elastic in them so that they fit pretty snugly against your skin in order to keep out any viruses.

Some of these suits also come with fitted hoods so that you can cover the sides of your face to keep your ears protected. The strength and durability of the disposable hazmat suits depend on the brand that you buy and what the fabric consists of.

Some are more resistant to tears and breakdowns than other brands are. So always choose a brand that has a good track record for being resistant to tears. When you’re done using these, you have to dispose of them properly so that any germs on the suit aren’t carried back with you once you remove the outerwear.

The heavy duty hazmat suits have to be decontaminated after use and if you’re not set up to deal with a contamination area without accidentally infecting yourself, then you’ll want to go with the disposable suits.

Some of the heavy duty hazmat suits come with extras already attached – such as the gloves you’ll need to use to protect yourself. You’ll need to have plenty of gloves onhand and these can’t be those flimsy household gloves like the thin cleaning gloves you find at the grocery store.

Those nick and tear open at the fingertips far too easily. They can’t stand up to long use, either. You don’t want to cover your body with a sturdy hazmat suit and then jeopardize yourself by choosing cheap gloves.

Protection Is a Must

You’ll need to be aware of any late breaking news in the event of a pandemic. Since you may not be able to count on society working the way it has, you’ll need to make sure that you have items that don’t rely on an electricity infrastructure to operate.

Emergency broadcasts will still be done – even if society breaks down during a pandemic. So you’ll want to make sure that you have a solar powered radio. You’ll also want to make sure that you have solar powered flashlights and light sticks so that you can see in the event of blackouts.

You’ll need a means of keeping in contact with others. Even if electricity is down, that doesn’t mean you can’t use your phone. There are solar powered units that can keep a cell phone charged up so that you can communicate with family members who may not be near you.

You also want to make sure that you have a way to communicate with any medical personnel if you have to. That’s where the cell phone or a two-way radio can come in handy.

You’ll need items that will help you start a fire and you’ll need a backpack that contains first aid equipment and personal hygiene items. Besides what you need to survive, you’ll also need protection of a different sort.

Having a multi-purpose knife onhand can help you accomplish a variety of tasks you might need to do. It can help you cut twine to string up a thermal blanket as a shelter if you need to in a pinch.

But a knife can also give you protection and even save your life if the need arises. Regardless of how you feel about weapons, you will need a way to take care of your personal safety.

When a pandemic hits, there will always be someone who will be caught without supplies. These people will take yours – and worse – if you don’t have a way to defend yourself.

One of these means can be a knife. You can choose from knives like a tactical knife or a jungle knife. If you’re not sure which kind of knife you want to have on hand, you can search for survival knives and choose one that’s best for you.

You’ll also need to have at least one gun. More is better – and you’ll need the ammunition to go along with that weapon. Long rifles can be used for protection, but they can also be used to hunt for food so that you can have meat with your food supply in the event that you need it.

You’ll also want to carry a personal handgun on a hip holster with you at all times in the event that lawlessness breaks out. You can get a small gun and some people like to go with a 9mm, a .38 or a .45.

You may never need to use any of the weapons to protect yourself or your loved ones, but you’ll be glad that you have them if an event does occur in which you have to fight back.

Chapter 5: Treatment for Ailments to Avoid Hot Zones

It’s so ingrained in people to head to the store or the doctor when they need treatment for ailments that when they need it, they go right then and there. During normal life, that’s fine – but when there’s a pandemic, that action could introduce them to the Zombie Ebola Plague.

It’s foolish to head right into the hot zone where all of the other potentially sick people are – just because you don’t have what you need at home. That’s why it’s so important that you take stock of what you have and begin to set aside a supply of items right now to take care of your family’s medical needs.

It would be a shame to go to the store just to get medication for a headache and come down with the Zombie Ebola virus when it’s so easy to just take care of that now before you have a need for it.

That means you need to stockpile and to put some supplies in storage. Buy these items in bulk as quickly as you can afford them.

Preventative Steps for Ailments

When it comes to ailments, you want to be on the offense. Don’t wait until an ailment arrives and then treat it. Only do that if you have to. Instead, it’s always best if you try to head it off before it becomes an issue.

Taking preventative measures can often keep you from needing any care at all. That way, not only do you feel better because you’re staying healthy, but you minimize stress and the need for medication.

One of the best preventative steps you can take is to load up on vitamins. What vitamins do is boost your immune system. Any vitamin or mineral that your body may be lacking can cause your immune system to not be able to fight off illnesses – and that includes the Ebola virus.

So you need to make sure that you stay in optimal health. To do this, your body must have a balance of the vitamins and minerals it needs to be able to function the way it should.

You want to stock up on vitamins right now to keep yourself healthy enough to keep medical issues at bay. The reason that most people fail to stock up on vitamins is because they feel that they eat healthy enough foods so that their body gets what it needs from whatever they consume.

But what they don’t realize is that when a pandemic hits, not only do store shelves clear, replacement foods are also late in coming or can’t even get through. So what happens is you may not have access to the same level of healthy foods that will give you the vitamins you need.

That’s why it’s so important to plan ahead for the worst case scenario. Even if it doesn’t happen, you’re not doing harm by being prepared, but it would be disastrous if you weren’t prepared.

What you want to look for right now is quantity. The more the merrier when it comes to having vitamins onhand. These will usually last for multiple years, too – even beyond the expiration date on the containers.

Those big bottles of multivitamins that you see on shelves at the store or the find online are among some of the best for lasting you for longer periods and they’re fairly easy to stockpile in bulk.

You’ll want to look for vitamins that will give you the highest recommended daily amount of each important vitamin and mineral. You’ll want to make sure that you stock up on vitamins for your kids and any pet medicines, too.

If you decide to go with individual vitamins rather than multi ones, make sure that you stockpile plenty in each category – but especially in vitamin C and D and the B vitamins.

You’ll also want to be sure that you have folate and zinc. The reason that you especially want to keep zinc around is because zinc can be used to help curb diarrhea and it can used to keep a cold at bay.

Without enough zinc in your body, it makes you more likely to be a target for illnesses. Since you don’t want to go visit the doctor and encounter any sick people during a pandemic, make sure that you also have a good supply of prescription drugs and any prescription topical medications that are needed.

What doctors often do is prescribe only three months of medication doled out a month at a time. Then, before you can get a refill, you have to go back and see the doctor before he’ll give you one.

To avoid that, talk to your doctor now about giving you at least a six month to a year supply. Many doctors will do this if you use a mail order pharmacy.

Have a Supply of Natural Herbs

Vitamins are extremely helpful to have when a pandemic hits, but you also want to have a supply of natural herbs to help keep you healthy. While prescription antibiotics can be helpful, there are two reasons you don’t want to depend on them during a pandemic.

The first is because you might not have any access to them. If there are still doctors’ offices and hospitals in operation near you, you’ll have to go there to get the antibiotic if there are even any medications to be had.

So you can’t depend on that. Secondly, antibiotics have been prescribed to the point that they don’t often work that well any more. This over-prescribing is one of the reasons we have many of the super bugs that are in existence today.

Plus, these antibiotics don’t just kill off bad bacteria in your body – they also kill off good bacteria. And you need those to help keep your immune system working the way it should.

So it’s sort of a catch-22. You might not realize that many of the ailments you seek a doctor’s input on can be effectively treated by using things in nature. For example, honey is a natural antibiotic that contains antibacterial properties.

You would have to use raw honey rather than any processed kind you’d find in the store. Honey is something that fights a multitude of infections and can even be used to aid in the healing of wounds.

Turmeric is also used to help heal wounds. It packs a double healing punch because it contains both anti-inflammatory abilities as well as anti-bacterial properties.

It’s even been used to treat skin staph infections such as MRSA that can be a pretty serious infection. If you’re looking for a natural antibiotic, you can turn to oil of oregano.

This oil has antibacterial properties and is also used as an antiseptic. Natural herbs that have antiseptic and antibacterial properties are important during a pandemic because they can help keep your immune system boosted up at optimal levels without you having to resort to man-made antibiotics that could weaken your system.

A weakened system could be easier prey for the Ebola virus. When you need treatment for a fungal condition, instead of going to the doctor, you can use garlic.

This herb has been widely known to treat fungal infections. Since the flu and colds will still be going strong during a pandemic, you want to have something natural onhand to treat those to feel better fast.

Ginseng is an herb that not only boosts the immune system, but it can also help those who have diabetes. Echinacea is an herb that’s can also be used to fight off infections that are caused by bacteria.

There will be colds and skin infections during a pandemic and there will also be eye problems. Pink eye will more than likely be something that people have to battle – and just like with other health issues, you don’t want to go to an eye doctor and end up in a hot zone.

So what you can do is use the herb calendula. This comes from the marigold plant and has been used to naturally treat eye infections. So you want to stock up on this herbal remedy.

Intestinal upset may become common during a pandemic because of having to adjust to a new way of eating. Plus, stress won’t help calm your insides, either. To deal with gastrointestinal infections, you can use cloves to kill off the bad bacteria.

For upset stomachs, lemon balm can be taken to alleviate symptoms. You can use licorice roots if you’re dealing with an ulcer. This herb can rid your body of the bacteria commonly known to cause ulcers.

If you have an ear infection, you can use the herb mullein. These are just a few of the thousands of herbs that can be used to help you keep up your health during a pandemic.

Some of the herbs are taken internally and some are used externally. For example, if you have a skin infection, you’ll want to apply the correct herb to your skin as a poultice.

But many of these herbs are boiled and made into teas that can be taken internally. You should know about herbs, their side effects and the dosage amount before you take any of them.

Some herbs can’t be mixed with other herbs or combined with any prescription medications you may already be taking. Study the common herbal remedies and invest in a book that teaches you how to create tinctures and teas.

Then, order the herbs in their dried or fresh form. You might even consider growing some of them indoors or outdoors for your own pandemic survival needs.

Chapter 6: Keeping a Sterilized Environment

During an outbreak, it’s vital that you keep your environment as sterilized as possible. Illnesses like Ebola can have an incubation period of days to weeks. This means that you or someone you care about may already be infected with it but show no symptoms.

Keeping your living area sterile can help prevent you or a loved one from contracting the illness from each other. Many viruses – including Ebola – can live on surfaces for hours to days after they’ve been contaminated.

For this reason, never assume that just because someone isn’t showing symptoms, they haven’t contaminated your environment. Before you begin cleaning, it’s important that you take the necessary safety precautions.

If someone has been in your home or living space that is infected with Zombie Ebola, then you’ll want to wear a pair of disposable coveralls and latex or nitrile gloves while you clean.

Some disposable coveralls come with built-in shoe covers, but not all of them do. If you have a coverall suit without shoe covers, you’ll want to get covers separately because body fluids can splash on the floor.

Once you’re properly dressed for the task, you’ll need to get some cleaning supplies. Bleach is a good disinfectant choice since it’s easy to access and not expensive.

Other cleaning supplies that you’ll want on hand are soap, hand sanitizer, trash bags, and extra gloves. Keep any items that you throw out separate from your household to ensure that no virus gets loose.

Sanitizing Your Kitchen to Kill Germs

One of the most important areas to keep clean is your kitchen or food preparation area. Food is fuel for the body and can keep you strong and healthy as you wait out the next pandemic.

Surfaces that have been coughed on or sneezed on should always be promptly treated with disinfectant. You should try to keep your food prep area as tidy as possible to prevent the germs from landing on an item and being overlooked during cleaning.

The first things you should clean are your counters, any cutting boards, and other food preparation surfaces. These can be cleaned with anti-bacterial soap. Allow these areas to air dry when you’re done scrubbing them.

The next item you should clean is your stove or cooking appliance. Any item at all that you think might be at risk of contamination should be cleaned. As you clean the kitchen, don’t forget to look for places that are frequently touched during everyday use.

These include buttons on your stovetop, knobs on your kitchen cabinets, and the handles of your silverware. Since many people forget to clean these areas, they are a good breeding ground for bacteria and other germs.

Other Areas in the House to Clean

The next area that you should concentrate on sanitizing is the bathroom or your toilet area. Bathrooms are the perfect haven for germs and bacteria to thrive in and it’s one of the easiest places where fluids can splash.

Two places that germs often lurk are the toilet handle and the faucets. The reason for this that many people wipe and then touch the toilet handle followed by the faucets.

If you or someone else had feces on your hands – even a microscopic amount – then you’ve essentially created a playground for the Zombie Ebola virus and other harmful germs.

Besides cleaning the toilet and sink, there’s another surface that you need to clean. The floor is an often overlooked area of the bathroom when it comes to sanitizing your home.

This is one area that you’ll want to scrub with a good disinfectant like bleach. Even a small spattering of urine on the floor that gets tracked into other rooms on the soles of your feet can create a problem for your family.

Your bedroom is one of your most private spaces. Since you spend hours sleeping, it’s easy to track contaminants in there. Zombie Ebola spreads through contact with bodily fluids.

So simple things like sneezing, coughing, a spontaneous bloody nose or middle of the night sudden vomiting in an area can make the entire room a potential hazard.

When you develop a bloody nose or vomit in your bedroom, it splatters. This means multiple surfaces – including your linens – have now become a new surface where Ebola can rest.

Since the Zombie Ebola virus can have similar symptoms to the common cold and the flu, it’s important that you treat bodily fluids with care until you know for certain that you or a loved one is not infected.

For linens and sheets, follow the care instructions printed on the label. These instructions usually involve using a washing machine to clean these items. But you’ll want to use some kind of disinfectant.

Better yet – if you suspect someone might have Ebola, is to use disposable bed clothing and cover the mattress with plastic. Make sure you clean the surfaces in the bedroom where there the virus might end up such as knobs on bedside tables, the flooring and pillows.

One of the most highly trafficked areas is the living room or family room. These rooms contain sofas, futons, and other furniture that can hold onto surface germs.

When you or your loved ones are sick, you’re often on the couch for long periods of time, allowing germs to settle there. If your sofas and recliners are made of cloth, you have to disinfect them.

To disinfect a cloth sofa or recliner, start by vacuuming the furniture to remove any dust or particles. Wipe down any metal or wood areas that aren’t covered by the cloth material with disinfectant wipes.

When cleaning the material, dampen the cloth with disinfectant cleaner – but don’t soak it. When you use too much water, it can cause mildew and mold to grow in the cushions.

Allow the couch to air dry. Prevention, if possible, is always the better way to go. So if your couch is clean, cover it with plastic to protect it. The plastic can be wiped down or thrown out and replaced if you think it’s been contaminated.

Like the living room, carpet is highly trafficked. It holds thousands of germs and should be cleaned frequently – especially when someone in the house is sick. You can buy a disinfectant for the flooring.

Play Areas

Children have a weaker immune system than adults do, so you want to make sure that areas where they play and items they play with are cleaned. One of the quickest ways to spread germs is through toys and stuffed animals.

If your child is sick, stuffed animals should be washed in order to prevent the spread of germs. When your child has a lot of stuffed animals, consider packing some away in a plastic container to protect them from the germs.

Leave out the ones your child won’t sleep without and wash them frequently. For plastic toys, you should wipe them down with disinfectant wipes as often as possible and encourage your child to keep things away from his or her mouth.

Throughout the house, there are often overlooked surfaces where the Zombie Ebola virus can wait until someone touches that area. Most people often forget these areas when they’re cleaning a house.

Doorknobs are one item in your home that you may not think to clean, but every doorknob leading into and out of the rooms needs to be cleaned. Light switches in every room and locks on doors can also be forgotten when you clean.

But it’s vital that these be cleaned because if you or someone else in your house rubs their eyes, or touches the doorknob or light switch, the virus is then on that surface.

Since most people will touch a doorknob and not wash their hands after that, the virus is on their hands waiting for them to touch their mouth, nose or eyes. When they do, the virus has found a way into the body.

Chapter 7: Water is Paramount to Your Survival

Every cell and organ in your body needs water to continue working properly. Water leaves the body when you sweat and breathe, so you have to keep replenishing and drinking throughout the day.

Dehydration can cause fatigue, dry mouth, and headaches. It can also cause dizziness and lightheadedness, which can be mistaken as signs someone is getting sick.

When it comes to survival, the top of your list should always be marked for water. It’s important that you have enough to survive on in the case of a pandemic and you should make sure that you have it stored correctly.

How Much Water You Should Have in Storage

The amount of water you store depends on what you feel your needs are based on how much water you normally consume. However, it’s best to have at least a week’s worth of water for every person in your family.

Every person should have a gallon of drinking water per day, including pets. That gallon doesn’t count toward washing clothes or personal hygiene – so that needs to be factored in as well.

The week’s worth of water is only if you have a plan in place that will help you replenish that water supply after a week. If you don’t have a plan, you’ll need to put more water in storage.

In the event of a pandemic and you just can’t get to water – or if you discover that you don’t have enough water stored – you can use pool water for personal hygiene.

It’s imperative that you never drink pool water. The chlorine in it can cause permanent kidney damage if ingested in large quantities. Use the pool water sparingly and keep it out of your eyes.

By using pool water for personal hygiene, you save the stored water you have set aside for drinking use. The way that you store water is important. Many times, after water has been stored for longer than a few months, it can develop a flat taste.

To prolong the shelf life of stored water, group the gallons or bottles in translucent containers and place those containers in dark plastic bags. This keeps the light out and keeps the water fresher for longer periods of time.

Make sure you keep your water supply stored away from chemicals or odorous things like gasoline, bleach, and pesticides. Water can absorb other odors. You should check your water supply every few months to ensure the gallons or bottles are still sealed tightly and that none of the containers have started leaking.

If you live in a large house, consider storing half your water supply in one area of your home and the other half in another area. For example, keep half stored in the basement or garage and the other half stored in a closet.

This way, if you can’t get to one end of your house, or if someone comes and takes your water stores in civil unrest, you still have half your water supply. If you’re not prepared in the case of an emergency situation like a pandemic, there are a few ways you can get water.

The first and most common way is getting water from a stream or river. If you live near one, you can dip out water, put it in clean containers and take it back to your house for purification.

The second way you can get water is to use rainwater. This is a very simple way to collect water. You can invest in a rain harvesting kit, which allows you to collect rainwater every time it begins to rain.

Rain is safer for personal hygiene than pool water is, but you still have to purify it before it’s safe for consumption. The safest and easiest way to purify water for drinking is to bring it to a boil.

By heating it to a boil, you kill the germs and viruses that could be in it. If you want something more reliable in an emergency, you can consider investing in a well for your home.

Paying to have a well drilled for your house can be pretty expensive, but it allows you to have a safe supply of water. However, well water typically has more contaminants than municipal water does.

For this reason, you should have your well water tested for bacterial and nitrate contamination on a yearly basis. Any time your water starts to taste weird or has a different color than normal, it should be tested.

Another way to get water if you don’t have enough stored is right in your home. The first is water that’s stored in your pipes after you have shut off the water line that runs into your house.

For this to work, your house has to be multilevel. You have to open a faucet at the highest level and the gravity will drain the water to the lowest level, where you can harvest it.

Another way to get water from your home is through the hot water tank. For this to work, the water tank must be upright. You can prevent contamination of the water in this tank by shutting off the main water line that runs into your house.

Once the water line is shut off, turn off any electrical or gas supplies to the tank. Close the faucet at the top of the tank and this will close the water intake valve. Place a container under the faucet at the bottom of the tank and then open the faucet.

The water will drain out into the container and you can close the faucet again. Don’t turn the electricity or gas back on until water is back in the tank and the faucet on top is opened.

If you drain the water like this every four to six months, you prevent rust from building inside the tank. Not only will it keep your tank running smoothly, but it also keeps your water free from minerals and rust deposits.

If you’re really in a pinch, you can dip out the water used in the flush tank of the toilets in your house. Never use the water in the bowl. If the water in your toilet is chemically treated, it’s not safe to use. Always purify water you dip out of the toilet tank.

Purification Methods

A quick and effective way to purify water is through the use of purification tablets. These tablets can be bought at camping stores or through online stores. One tablet only purifies one liter of water, so you’ll need to have a bulk supply of these.

The shelf life for the tablets is two years – so if you stock up, you’ll have to replace unused ones every two years. If the tablets get wet before being used, they lose their effectiveness.

This isn’t an item that you want to use beyond the purification effectiveness date because unpurified water can make you sick. Any time you use water that isn’t purified, you have to purify it yourself to make it safe for consumption.

If the water you have is polluted, you have to strain it before you boil it. To strain the water, place a clean cloth, paper towel, or coffee filter over a container. Pour the water over this strainer to get rid of flaking material or sediments.

Once you strain it the first time, place a clean cloth, paper towel, or coffee filter over a second container and strain it again. After straining it, boil the water for at least ten minutes to make it safe to drink.

If you’re out of any method to purify water, you can use liquid bleach to purify the water. Never use the granular forms of household bleach because those are poisonous.

After you’ve strained the water, use two drops of bleach per every liter of water. If the water is cloudy, you should use four drops. For the drops, you should keep a clean eye dropper stored to use for this purpose only.

Once you’ve added the drops, mix the water and bleach thoroughly by shaking the container or stirring the water vigorously. After you’ve mixed it, let the water stand for thirty minutes and you should be able to detect a slight chlorine smell.

If you can’t smell any chlorine, repeat the process and let the water stand for an additional fifteen minutes. The bleach used must be within date. Chlorine weakens over time and any bleach that’s more than two years old won’t work to purify water.

When you purchase bleach, mark it with the date to ensure that you’ll be using bleach that can make your water supply safe if you need it to. Water has viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens in it – especially when it comes from a stream or river.

Drinking water that has these pathogens in it can cause severe sickness. For example, E. Coli is often found in water. Once the water is purified or boiled, it kills the E. Coli bacteria.

There are also parasites that can be found in water. Cryptosporidium is one of these dangerous parasites that can make you very ill and can even be fatal. The reason why Cryptosporidium is so dangerous is because of its small size, which is half the size of a red blood cell found in the body.

The problem with Cryptosporidium is that it’s immune to chlorine disinfection. Cryptosporidium is often found in rivers, lakes, and streams, and is caused by animal feces.

To save you time and to ensure you’re drinking water thoroughly purified, the best route to take is to stock up on bottled water. Bottled water often lasts for a couple of years and it’s an easy way to make sure your family will have what it needs in the case of an emergency.

Chapter 8: What to Do If You See Symptoms

In the event of an emergency such as the fallout from a pandemic, most people will continue to do what they’ve always done – and in the case of the Zombie Ebola virus – doing what they’ve always done can be deadly.

Just think, if you’re going to head to the hospital because you think you have Zombie Ebola symptoms, where do you think the other people experiencing similar symptoms are also going?

You’re going to remove yourself from what is a safer environment for you to be in to place yourself in a worse one. You don’t want to do this for several reasons but the main two reasons are first because you don’t know for sure that you even have the virus.

So by heading to the hospital or quarantine center, you could actually be putting yourself right into the middle of the worst place in the world to be. If you don’t have it but go where it is, you could end up getting it just because you’re there.

Secondly, the quarantine centers are going to be overrun with people who may or may not have the virus. So besides the risk of exposure, you’re not going to get a very good level of treatment.

You could be one of many who have the virus and you’ll be sitting and waiting just like everyone else. Or it could be that your body has the ability to fight off the virus but you end up catching something else on top of it because you’re around so many sick people.

Worse is that when you’re there, if you don’t have it, because of having been exposed, the center or hospital may have no choice but to force you to stay there even though you’re not sick – just to quarantine you for exposure.

Once you’ve been exposed, they can’t allow you to leave and possibly infect others. You don’t get to change your mind and leave. You’re stuck there until your blood tests come back clear from the virus and that can take at least three days with you being held in isolation.

There is a better way to handle it if you see symptoms show up in yourself or in any of your loved ones.

Isolate and Quarantine at Home

Whether it’s you or someone else you love, you need to separate yourself from others. The best way that you can do this is by using a tent. Just like the tent that can be used to put in place a 21 day quarantine for new people joining your group, you can use the tent for anyone showing signs of the virus.

If it’s yourself, go immediately to the isolation tent and if you’re not prepared, you’ll have to arrange for someone to leave supplies without coming into contact with you.

This is why it’s better to have the isolation tent set up and ready for use before you even think you’ll need it. Inside the tent, you’ll need certain supplies. The person in quarantine will need a way to communicate with a caretaker in the event that he or she needs something.

Being in quarantine for 21 days can start to weigh on the nerves if the patient only has mild symptoms. If the symptoms worsen, the patient more than likely won’t feel up to doing much except for resting.

But in the beginning you’ll want to make sure that the person inside has some access to the outside world. This can be something like an electrical cord running into the tent to be able to supply power to a laptop.

You’ll also need other forms of entertainment in the tent such as a deck of cards or puzzles. If you’re the patient and there’s no one around to help you, you’ll need to keep plenty of disposable water within reach and snacks as well as meals if your body is able to hold down food.

Getting weak from a lack of food can only make you feel worse and weaken your body. There should be a covered bucket that contains biohazard waste bags to handle your bathroom needs.

Treating the Isolation Patient

No one should be allowed to leave the tents once they’re quarantined. If you’re the patient, you should make sure you stay put for the required three week period.

The Zombie Ebola virus is a very serious virus and should be treated as such. No matter how much you or other family members or friends care about the person who may be ill, now is not the time to allow visitors.

This means that if the person is able to care for his or her needs on their own, they should do that. However, if they’re not able to take care of their needs, then only one person should enter into the tent to treat them.

The person who is helping to treat the one who’s ill should follow the same stringent isolation rules as is set up in a hospital. You shouldn’t touch the person without gloves.

You also should not touch anything the patient touches unless you’re wearing gloves. You shouldn’t enter the tent at all, not even for a second without a hazmat suit on and without a mouth mask to protect your mouth and nose from breathing anything in.

Since Zombie Ebola is transmitted through bodily fluids, you need your body protected from coming in contact with splashes of body fluid. You can use duct tape if you need to so that you can make sure your suit has no way for the virus to enter.

This means you can duct tape it at the wrists, the suit collar and where the pants of the suit reach the boots. Do not allow the suit to touch any part of the ground. You can pick up the virus from splashed body fluids that land on the floor of the tent if your suit rakes across it.

By now, everyone in the world has probably seen the photographs that were taken in the host country where the Zombie Ebola virus often rages and takes life after life.

These photos showed images of protective gear placed on sticks and standing out in the sun to dry. This is a very primitive attempt to contain the virus and cross contamination using these methods of sanitation is highly likely.

So don’t reuse any hazmat materials unless you have an extremely stringent decontamination method in place. Since most people aren’t prepared to properly decontaminate things, you’ll want to have a good supply of disposable hazmat gear.

Besides the suits, mouth masks and gloves, there are other protective items to wear in the tent when treating people who are possibly ill with the virus. You’ll want to have any shoes boots you wear completely covered by a protective cover.

It’s best to wear high top boots than low open shoes when treating someone showing symptoms of the Zombie Ebola virus. Inside the tent, to help aid you in caring for the patient, you’ll want to have plenty of soap on hand to clean your hands, even with the gloves on.

Use hand sanitizer on top of soap when cleaning your hands afterwards. When treating the patient, don’t use thermometers you have to cleanse and reuse. Instead, use the ones you can check the temperature on and then dispose of.

Use Lysol and bleach to clean any areas inside the tent that need to be cleaned. What the patient lies on matters, too. You should not allow the patient to lie on a cot or bed in the tent that’s not covered with a clear, protective covering.

The virus can live on surfaces – even on cloth surfaces like a mattress or the foam of a cot. Keep a supply of trash bags in the tent so that you can dispose of any items you use to treat the patient.

Once you leave the tent, you should strip off the hazmat suit and protective gear and dispose of it before you step foot inside your home. It’s helpful and the safest bet for you to have a decontamination shower outside your home if you can possibly afford that.

Decontamination showers can run anywhere from $700 dollars to almost $5,000 depending on the type that you buy. If you opt for a casualty shower or one used by organizations, you can expect to spend $8,000 to just over $25,000.

What do you do for a patient who has Zombie Ebola? You can’t cure it, so all you can do is support the patient and hope they recover. Dehydration is horrible, so make sure you replenish fluids and provide them with electrolytes.

Blood pressure can become abnormal, so increase oxygen supplies and help steady their blood pressure to normal capacity. Watch for any signs of additional illness and keep them as comfortable and as clean as possible.

Chapter 9: Surviving an Zombie Ebola Economy Crash

A virus that has no cure is the perfect harbinger of an economic collapse. For those who think it can’t happen in their countries because Zombie Ebola is “over there,” then you should know a few facts.

The Zombie Ebola virus has already left its original boundaries. The experts that are telling you that you have nothing to worry about are already looking worried themselves.

In fact, the CDC and WHO knows the potential risks that the Zombie Ebola virus can make it outside its host country. This risk is present because of the volume of international travel.

That’s why the LAX has an area to quarantine passengers coming into the United States. If you think that’s no big deal, there’s a page on the CDC website that covers how to handle suspected cases of Ebola in the United States.

The experts know that Zombie Ebola is on the way. That means that the economic crash being felt in other countries where Zombie Ebola has taken a toll is also on the way to where you live.

That’s why you must be prepared financially now for your future when the pandemic hits. What the virus has done in other regions will also happen in any region where there’s an outbreak.

When a pandemic takes place, several economic dominoes begin to fall and eventually topple the entire system. First, airlines cancel flights to and from the hard hit regions.

When that happens, businessmen and women can’t go where they need to go internationally. The airport loses money from the cancelled flights and that loss has to be made up somehow.

Usually what happens is some airline employees are laid off. Then you have one employee trying to do the work of two. Next, businesses pull their employees from regions where the outbreak is active.

This has already happened in the country where the Zombie Ebola virus was first recognized. When businesses pull employees, projects are left unfinished, employees at loose ends. These employees could carry the risk of having been exposed to the virus and not know it.

They could, in turn, spread the disease during the period they don’t know they have it and so the pandemic continues to expand until it reaches global proportions.

When there are areas where a pandemic is active, businesses get scared and no one wants to do business with a company where they may have a risk of Zombie Ebola. So the next step is a trade ban goes into effect.

From there, it continues to trickle down until people begin to feel the economic squeeze. When a pandemic occurs, businesses will come to a standstill because they’re forced to shut down from not having enough employees to keep it running.

This happens because people want to stay safe and avoid Zombie Ebola. So to avoid getting the virus, they stay at home, preferring to put the safety of their health and their family’s health before their job – and rightfully so.

No one will want to work and risk getting the virus. As more and more non-essential workers stay home, the economy continues to falter. The government will step in and order essential employees to remain at work – but whether utilities will continue to run remains anyone’s best guess.

Eventually, there won’t be any money left for the government to continue running at all. As the pandemic takes over, people in the area who are from other countries will scramble to leave the area.

Pandemics cause the price of food to go up because the demand will outweigh the supply. This happens because companies that truck food in will be slowed by work stoppages.

Companies that produce the food products will face the same dilemma. Farmers will have trouble getting what they need to grow food for their own use, much less the food that they sell.

Slowly, the entire economy will grind to a standstill. If you’re not ready, your family will be adversely affected. You won’t be able to get cash because the banks will be closed.

Money will be scarce. The entire economic system is already shaky at best. A pandemic will easily push it over the edge. You need to have an emergency fund, but not in the bank.

This means that you should have cash on hand to take care of your needs. If you’re one of the millions of people who currently live paycheck to paycheck, you need to put back several months’ worth of emergency cash to survive.

It’s important to note that telling people you have this in store isn’t a good idea. It will make your family a target. Hide the cash where it won’t be noticed and don’t mention its location to anyone outside of your immediate family.

During an economic crash, what’s happened through history is the value of that country’s currency plummets. Paper bills become virtually useless. The same will happen to whatever country gets hit with a pandemic.

This is why it’s a good idea to invest in gold and silver because the value of these holds steady. Cut your bills down to the bare minimum when you suspect a pandemic is on the horizon.

Only keep the absolute necessities that you have to pay. This would be shelter, such as your mortgage and utilities. Everything else can be done away with. If you find that you just can’t put any money toward an emergency cash plan because there’s not enough left over right now to take care of everything, then find a part time job or a way that you can make some extra money so that you can be prepared.

Your survival could depend on the money you set aside. When the economy crashes, the people that did not prepare for it are going to start looting from those that did.

You have to be prepared for this. One of the best ways to prepare is to get away from areas where the population is so dense. If you pay attention to the news, you’ll see how people behave when they get desperate for food and other needs.

You’ll need to spend some money now while it’s still worth something, on certain items to make sure that you have the best chance for long-term survival. If you can’t afford to set aside items, find a way to sell what you don’t need so that you can fund what you do.

You need to have a storage of food set aside so that you don’t have to worry about that in the economic crash. Set up your garden now and choose a more rural area to have this garden or make sure it’s a hidden garden so that you don’t have to worry about people pillaging it.

The infrastructure of society will go down in an economic crash. Besides the banking system collapsing, so will utility plants. This means no electricity, no clean water and no sewage.

Garbage will begin to pile up in the streets. Too much reliance on government run services has made people complacent and when these services are shut down, chaos will erupt.

This has already happened in some countries. Even some states that have experienced economic collapse have already cut basic services such as garbage pickup and water services to homes.

You need a plan for all of this. Make a way to create your own electricity through the use of solar panels and solar powered equipment. You need to be able to make it apart from depending on anyone or on any state or government run business.

During an economic collapse, there will be a greater outcry for ammunition because people everywhere will need to defend what they have. Ammunition stores will be one of the first things besides food shelves that will be depleted, so set aside plenty of ammunition to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Make sure that you set aside extra items that you can use to trade for items you might need in the future. As the collapse lasts for years, people will go back to the ancient way of getting what they need – which is bartering.

Chapter 10: Other Virus Pandemics on Our Doorstep

The Zombie Ebola virus is quite a nasty one to face – and no one is disputing that. Some people don’t want to go to the effort to get prepared for it because they don’t believe it will reach the soil where they live.

But there are other pandemics that were said they’d never reach a certain country and yet they did. Zombie Ebola is coming and it’s going to be followed by other viruses that will also be devastating to human life and the economy.

You need to be prepared for the physical, financial and emotional punch these viruses are going to throw at you. There’s a quiet pandemic right on the doorstep that millions of people are blithely unaware of.

But every year, this one kills over a million people it infects. It’s one of the deadliest diseases that’s poised to strike in greater numbers due to population density.

That disease is drug-resistant tuberculosis. It started in another country far away but it’s here, growing steadily from small cases. Just like the Zombie Ebola virus, it did not stay contained and it’s another one that experts said would not spread.

But it did and we have air travel to thank for that. Whatever pandemic is “over there” will come where you live. We’re too internationally connected for diseases and viruses not to hop aboard a plane, too.

What’s bad about this disease is that the transmission of it is easier than Zombie Ebola is. Granted, it doesn’t carry the same horrific death images that the Zombie Ebola virus does, but it can be caught faster and spread faster because it’s airborne.

A cough, a sneeze – and that’s how it’s spread. The droplets from an infected person are inhaled by someone who doesn’t have it and then they get it. Then they pass it around.

The disease kills because it causes the lungs not be able to get the oxygen they need. And it doesn’t take long for the disease to kill. New cases are developing every day.

If you think it’s limited to a few million people “over there,” you’d be wrong. There isn’t a country where the disease hasn’t reached and the affected currently stand at over 8 million people.

With the border crisis happening in America right now, some illegal aliens are entering the country and bringing tuberculosis with them, infecting residents and citizens here.

Another deadly thing waiting to pounce is influenza. It used to be that people would simply say, “Oh, he’s got the flu” like it was no big deal. That’s because it used to be that the flu wasn’t a death sentence – but today, it can be.

That’s because no one told the flu it couldn’t become resistant to any efforts to treat it. No one told it that the flu couldn’t mutate so that the virus could survive any man-made attempts to eradicate it.

Those flu shots you get every year don’t protect you. That’s because those shots aren’t made with dead viruses from the current strain. They’re made from the ones the CDC already knows about.

The medical world worked to create vaccines for the flu viruses they experienced. But last year’s flu won’t be this year’s flu. It’s mutating faster than scientists can study it.

In fact, there are so many different strains of the flu that individually they’re referred to as belonging to the “flu family” because they’re one of many. When someone gets the flu, their survival rate depends on how healthy they are and the strain of flu that they come down with.

The flu kills adults and children alike. Just like the pandemic that hit in 1918, the flu pandemic was resurrected and it’s going to take a massive toll globally. The flu is spread so easily from person to person.

A cough can spread it. So can sneezing. Touching contaminated surfaces spreads the flu. Most people know this and they try to be careful around someone who’s ill.

But even talking to someone who has the flu can spread it from them to you. As people speak, little barely perceptible droplets of saliva are expelled. When they’re breathed in, they immediately hit your respiratory system and begin multiplying like crazy.

This is when you feel symptoms. They multiply faster than your body’s ability to fight off the virus. There are two kinds of influenza that the CDC keeps a watchful eye on.

Type A and type B influenza are the types that are dangerous. Type A comes from birds and these kinds of influenza were classified by their A types. One was H1N1 and the other was H3N2.

If you’ll remember, experts said in the beginning that the bird flu would not affect humans. They said the chance of a crossover was slim. But yet, it did crossover and that slim chance became a pandemic.

It will do it again. The B influenza type is not an animal crossover. Yet. But the reason that you can’t count on any expert telling you what the influenza will or will not do is because the flu virus knows how to work its genetics to keep on producing a virus that will keep it alive.

So a strain of the virus will change and shift to create a new type. This mutation results in what the experts call a new strain of the influenza virus. The experts will also tell you that the old influenza types that killed millions like the Spanish flu did isn’t a possibility.

But it is. That strain killed more than 50 million people when it struck in the early 1900s. Guess which modern strain of influenza is in the family of the flu virus that struck in the 1900s?

The H1N1 is connected to that virus that wiped out countless lives. It showed up on the doorstep and knocked in 2009. The medical community fought back and that virus, labeled in 2009 as a pandemic, quietly left, but it was not eradicated.

It’s mutating, waiting to come back as a new strain resistant to the current flu shot because that’s what viruses do to ensure their survival. If you ask the experts now if another pandemic like that is on the doorstep, they sidestep the question with the “no one can know for sure” – meaning, yes, it’s not just a possibility, it will happen just like the H1N1 happened.

What’s currently worrying experts is the avian influenza. This is one of the bird flu strains. It’s called the H5N1 strain. It’s supposed to be confined from bird to bird and not strike humans.

But its sub-strains have already infected people. That means the virus already figured out how to mutate to adapt to strike humans. The death rate for this one is thought to reach pandemic levels once it strikes.

Other animals carry strains of flu, but experts say that the strains that hit dogs, pigs and horses won’t affect humans. Yet, it already has. The pig flu virus, labeled the swine flu did strike humans because it learned how to mutate.

It, too is sneaking across the border currently. The other animal influenza viruses are not far behind in their mutation chain. Another disease that’s spread through sneezing and coughing is the measles.

Though some people don’t think this is anything worry about and don’t think a pandemic is possible, there are some facts you should know. In 2011, there were 30,000 people hit with the disease and it did cause fatalities.

In 2012, the WHO reported the measles killed 122,000 people. In the scope of the world, that might not seem like a whole lot of people, but that number count is high enough to wipe out a small city.

This disease ranks as one of the top diseases that takes the life of young children. The high fever, which is the first sign of the disease, can mimic other diseases and viruses and so it’s often overlooked before the rash develops.

This gives measles time to infect other people and spread. If you live in the tropics, you’re at risk at getting the dengue fever virus. If you live elsewhere but you travel to areas that are in the tropics, you’re also at risk.

It’s one of the top causes of death brought on by mosquitoes. Experts doubted the virus would leave the tropics and yet it has. The virus has infected people in various states in the US and in Puerto Rico, which experienced a high number of cases.

Studies have shown there’s a steady rise in the virus. In 2013, there was an outbreak in the state of Florida. The virus can lead to dengue hemorrahagic fever and death.

The viruses listed here are only a small amount of the viruses that can multiply rapidly and lead to a pandemic of epic proportions. Take steps now to protect yourself and your loved ones from these and other viruses that threaten your survival.

Zombie Ebola may be one virus that conjures up horrifying images of suffering and horror, but it’s not the only virus that can infect and wipe out an entire family once it gets loose in your community.

Preparation should be swift, well-organized, and silent. Don’t allow your kids to tell their friends what stores you’ve saved up. Don’t tell friends – or even family members you don’t plan to take care of.

Remember, every person who knows is one more leakage possibility that will put your survival gear in jeopardy. You’ll want to have plenty to take care of your family with.

Start today – by making a list – and build out from there. Don’t just work on securing supplies, though. Add learning and awareness to your prepper plans so that you can stay informed and know how to get through it when it happens.

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