Zombie Survival Foods

f22Every zombie fighter at some point in their career wonders what they would eat if they were trapped by zombies in the forest or stuck in the dessert escaping the horde. While you may not necessarily find yourself in these exact situations, having a supply of survival food on hand can’t hurt when it comes to staying prepared. Here are a few ways that survival food packages can benefit you.

In some cases, packing survival food is ideal for small emergencies. For example, keeping a small supply of hearty food with a high shelf life in your grab and go bug out bag, car, camping kit, or hunting gear is a good way to ensure that you’re never without a snack if you need it. These foods include granola bars, trail mix, dried fruit, jerky, and granola. Carry some on you in case zombies force you to abandon your supplies.

However, you may find yourself trapped in a situation where you need survival food that lasts a bit longer than even these foods. You may also want to acquire them in bulk. These types of foods are perfect for emergency kits, storm shelters, lengthy zombie patrol, and other situations. These foods are available canned, in buckets, or in packets and typically have a larger shelf life than even jerky or dried fruit. Best of all, there aren’t many storage requirements to worry about. In most cases all you need to do is store them in a cool, dry area and they’ll last you for years.

What sort of survival food is available? Canned foods are renowned for lasting for ages. Taste may suffer over time, do not use once the cans start to bulge. Freeze dried and dehydrated foods are a surprisingly tasty and practical way to keep several meals on hand. Other essentials include dried milk or dried fruit juice. Just add water and you’ll have a perfect meal.

A few things to keep in mind when deciding on which survival food is best for you is to ensure you have everything you need to prepare it. While the point of survival food is to be able to survive in the roughest situations, you’ll still need can openers, a clean water source, and a heat source to cook things on. This is why it’s a good idea to store clean water and a battery or solar powered hotplate if possible. You might also want to include stainless steel eating utensils and bowls camp kit of the non rattling zombie attracting variety if eating out of the package isn’t for you.

Another important thing to consider when picking out survival food is picking out a wide range of nutritious foods. Be sure to include ideal sources of vitamins and iron to avoid debilitating deficiency diseases as well as grains and meat. Fortunately, there are a variety of vitamin and supplement packets to consider as well when it comes to arranging well balanced survival food plans.

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One of the more obvious ways to attain survival foods in the wild is to forage for it. Unfortunately, this isn’t as easy as it looks, especially if you’re new to it. If you plan on foraging at any point, it’s important to have a field guide of some kind with you. This will not only teach you how to find large quantities of roots, mushrooms, berries, and nuts, but it will also keep you from accidentally consuming anything harmful.

Foods for Wilderness Survival

When you find yourself in the wilderness, it is very important to know what types of foods are available for you to consume. Most of your food can be found naturally and come in different varieties such as wild berries, fish and other water foods, insects and bugs, birds, and other large animals. It is very important that you have knowledge about each different type of food source and should be researched and learned about before any type of outdoor trip or adventure. Here is a glance of all the different types of food you can use for survival.

Wild Berries – are one of the easiest and most commonly found food items when you are lost in the woods. Most of the wild berries you will find in the wilderness are edible, however you need to make sure that you research all of the different types of wild berries there are and what they look like, so that you make sure you don’t consume a berries that could potentially harm you. Wild berries are especially easy to find in the summer months, however you can still find some wild berries that will grow in the winter time. So make sure that you research and know your berries for food supply when you are lost in the woods.

Fish and Food from the Water – can easily be found and if they are a source from freshwater in North America are most commonly safe to eat. You can eat fish raw, however it is advised that you warm and cook the fish from a fire or portable grill. Catching fish does not have to be a hard task to perform at all. Many fish you can catch barehanded. The easiest way to capture a ton of fish is by waiting by where the fish are found swimming by and then pinning them down to the bottom of the stream. Although it sounds difficult, in actuality it is not. You can also catch other animals from the water to consume such as shell fish and crayfish. All of these water animals are safe to eat and can be easily captured to give you the nutrients and energy you need to survive in the woods.

Insect and Bugs – two of the safest insects and bugs to eat are grasshoppers and wood grubs. Although they aren’t very tasty they can give you the protein and nutrients you need to provide your body while lost in the woods. These two types of insects can be consumed without cooking, however if it is possible it would be better to cook the two. You also want to make sure that you remove the wings and legs from the grasshopper. You can find grasshoppers in grassy areas and wood grubs can be found in rotten logs. There are a ton of insects and bugs that you can consume if you are trapped in the wilderness however, it is wise to gain a good knowledge about different types of insects and bugs that you can consume. Not all insects and bugs can be consumed without giving you bodily harm which is why it is so important that you know what types are safe and which ones are dangerous.

Birds – Although it is very hard to capture a bird without a gun it is possible with rocks. However, survivalists find it much easier to capture a bird from its nest or to capture bird eggs. Capturing bird eggs is one of the top survival food items that someone can get because they are filled with tons of protein that your body needs to give it energy and to survive. You always want to make sure that you cook the eggs before consumption. Never eat eggs raw.

Larger Mammal Animals – Although it can be a daunting task to capture a larger animal without any weapons, you can still however capture an animal through a trap and then kill them to eat. The easiest way to kill an animal for consumption purposes without the use of a knife or gun is by a rock. Make sure that you cook the animal thoroughly. All though you can consume some large animals raw, it is better to be cautious and cook all of your food that you capture.

Although being lost in the woods can be a very scary situation, making sure that you know the foods that are readily available and surrounding you can alleviate one worry off of your shoulder.

Making sure that your body stays hydrated and nourished is very important in your goal to surviving the outdoors, so make sure you keep these tips in mind and use them when you find yourself in the woods.

In addition to foraging, you may decide to bring food with you. For short, day long hikes or hunting trips, it’s a good idea to pack naturally hardy survival foods, such as granola, beef jerky, and dried fruit. This is not only sturdy, but it’s guaranteed not to spoil should it grow too hot that day. However, if you plan on going on an outing that lasts for several days or more, you’ll need something a bit more nourishing.

What sort of survival foods are best for longer trips? It all prefers on how big your pack is. For example, some prefer dehydrated, freeze dried, or vacuum sealed foods due to their small, lightweight packaging and long shelf life. However, for a fresher taste, some prefer packing canned foods as well. Just be sure not to forget a can opener! There are few things more frustrating than realizing you have a supply of nutritious food and no way to access it.

Other survival foods include survival seeds. This type of survival food is for long term planning. Unlike seeds you’ll find at the store, these are natural seeds that haven’t been altered chemically or genetically. Whether you stick to local favorites, rare heirloom produce, or classic international vegetables, you’ll be sure to benefit from these seeds. Best of all, even a small bag contains several month’s worth of supplies, and once your produce matures, you’ll discover you can use the seeds from them to continue your crops. This allows you to save significantly, especially as produce prices rise and a source of food when civilization falls.

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These are only a few things to consider when packing survival foods. Regardless of what type you choose, you’ll be able to ensure that you never go hungry on the go.

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