Zombies and Other Natural Disasters

f23As if Disease, Earthquakes, Floods, Hail Storms, Hurricanes, Ice Storms, Lightning, Monsoons, Plagues, Tornados, Tsunamis and Volcanos weren’t bad enough, send in the Zombies. We are locked in a death match with a planet that is trying to kill us! Surviving (free report) Basic Natural Disaster Preparedness from earthquakes to zombies takes planning and preparation.

Earthquake Emergency Preparation

In 1906, the residents of San Francisco, California, had an abrupt change of lifestyle. They learned that almost anything can happen without warning. An earthquake killed about 3,000 people and caused over $400 million in property damages. In 1920, the Gansu earthquake in China took about 200,000 lives. Then in 1948, the region around Ashgabat in the Soviet Union suffered a powerful quake that claimed over two-thirds of that city’s population (110,000 people died).

About Earthquakes

The most powerful earthquake ever recorded happened in 1960 in Chile. Registering 9.5 on the Moment magnitude scale, it created a tsunami that swept the entire Pacific Ocean. In 1972, 90% of the city of Managua, Nicaragua, was destroyed by a midnight earthquake that killed over 10,000 people. Then in 1985, the Great Mexican Earthquake struck, killing as many as 30,000 people, most of whom were never found and may have been eaten by something (zombies?). In 1989, San Francisco and surrounding areas experienced the “World Series Quake.”

In 2003, the Bam Citadel, the largest adobe structure in the world and built before 500 B.C. was almost completely destroyed, together with 70% of the city of Bam and 70,000 residents.

Most of them happen along what is known as the circum-Pacific seismic belt or the “Pacific Ring of Fire” bounding the Pacific tectonic plate. With high-population cities like Mexico City, Tehran, and Tokyo growing in areas of high risk, it is possible that a future earthquake could take as many as 3 million lives.

It’s hard to understand why people insist on living in earthquake-prone areas like San Francisco and the mountains of central and South America. But in fact, earthquakes are a common
phenomenon, small ones happening somewhere in the world every day. Characterized by shaking and ruptures in the land, earthquakes also cause dangerous avalanches and landslides, fires like the terrible 1906 San Francisco experience, soil liquefaction where buildings literally sink into the earth, and massive tsunamis. Because the damage they do is enduring, they also leave high risks for disease and plague outbreak in their wake as people try to find potable water to drink and dry, safe places to sleep and live.

People who live in high-probability earthquake zones must live each day as it comes, knowing that their fragile lives could be over in an instant. Knowing that tragedy can strike at any time, they prepare for it.

Technology specialist Jason lives near the Marina, the most high-risk area in his city. He accepts graciously the fact that living there is a risk, but he always stores basic supplies for
that inevitable crisis. He keeps several gallons of fresh water, portable food packs, extra flashlights and batteries, and several thing-a-magics that would overwhelm the technologically-challenged.

Earthquake Safety Tips

* Duck. Stay off heavy objects that may fall. Find an open area or stand in a doorway.

* If you can’t get out of the building, seek protection under a heavy table.

* If you’re driving when the earthquake strikes, stay inside your car.

* If you’re in a mall or store, move away from shelving and other movable objects.

* In theaters and stadiums, duck under your seat or flip the seat up and crouch in the space. Wait until the mob has largely left the area.

* Don’t get caught up in the panic-filled crowds.

Another Word of Advice

Being well-prepared, having a plan of action, is the best way to prepare to survive an earthquake. Lacking this comfortable knowledge, you are more likely to panic and make deadly mistakes.

Know where strong, stable structures are that may provide shelter. Avoid areas of poor construction or materials. Stay calm. Stay alert. Things change very quickly, and you should be ready to respond.

Emergency Preparedness For A Hurricane

Nature’s fury is mankind’s nemesis. Natural disasters may be one of the only challenges planet Earth has left for us. We’ve learned to shape the land, modify crops, create new breeds of animals, and tame the wild beasts. But we haven’t learned how to stop a natural disaster like a hurricane. There’s little we can do when nature decides to release its fury on us. We can’t stop it, but we can try to protect ourselves and our property.

The words “hurricane” and “typhoon” describe a meteorological event known as a tropical cyclone. These storm systems are characterized by a zone of low pressure at the center and large thunderstorms that produce high winds and floods of rain.

These systems form almost exclusively in the earth’s tropical regions, spinning in a counterclockwise direction in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.

Scientists have identified seven major basins where these tropical storm typically form. Four major basins are in the Pacific (North Central, Northeastern, Northwestern, and South/Southwestern), three are in the Indian Ocean (Northern, Southwestern, and Southeastern), and one is in the Atlantic (Northern). In 2004, the first documented tropical storm formed in the Southern Atlantic, striking Brazil.

Hurricane seasons vary geographically, appearing in a region’s late summer, where the difference in temperatures between the air and sea are at their greatest. The most deadly hurricane on record struck the Ganges Delta in Bangladesh, killing from 300,000 to a million people. The Northern Indian basin has, since the early 1900s, been victim to the most and the most deadly hurricanes. Hurricanes are highly destructive of property. The recent Hurricane Katrina in the United States caused over $80 billion in property damages.

Local governments tend to take most preventive measures to limit the loss of life and property.

Most towns and cities create emergency plans, using sirens to alert citizens of coming danger.

Emergency broadcast systems are in place to keep people informed. And many communities store food, water, and medicines in case of power or water system breakdowns.

Most people who live on or near coastlines will experience a hurricane at least once during their lifetime. For some, it is a frequent occurrence, and they are prepared to board up windows and
doors and evacuate almost out of habit. But many of us need to know what to do in the event of a hurricane.

What Can I Expect if a Hurricane is Near my Area?

* Luckily, hurricanes are easier to spot and prepare for than other natural disasters. With the advent of modern satellites, scientists are able to observe cloud formations and movement and reliably predict the direction and timing of the storm.

* As the hurricane nears landfall and it is spotted on radar, meteorologists will let the public know it’s coming. At this early stage, many things could change. The storm can change in intensity and direction fairly quickly, so the local weather service can keep tabs and inform the community as the storm moves. During this period, local governments and emergency services begin to activate emergency plans and procedures.

* When the know the storm is coming their way, homeowners should begin to board up windows and doors and secure outdoor lawn furniture and equipment. As the storm nears, you and your family should evacuate the area. No sense taking needless chances.

* If you can’t leave the storm, you should have stocked up on emergency supplies like plenty of fresh water, canned foods, candles and batteries, a battery-operated radio, and fuel for the generator. Water shortages can become life-threatening after a hurricane strikes, so it’s a good idea to fill up every container you have – including your bathtub – with safe drinking water.

* The single most important item you will need during and after a major hurricane is a medical kit containing bandages, medical tape, antibiotics, and scissors. This may save your life by preventing serious infections if you or your family are injured.

* Long before the storm ever forms, you and your family should work out an emergency plan. Decide where to meet if people aren’t home. Store essential supplies that can be used or easily moved to the car. Decide in advance where you will take shelter, and who will be responsible for helping family members unable to care for themselves. Establish clear roles and responsibilities for shutting up the house and securing outdoor items. The better prepared your family is, the less likely they are to be overwhelmed by the hurricane, and the more likely you will all survive with minimal injury or property damage.

What Will Happen During a Hurricane?

* When it hits land, the hurricane can bring winds over 100 miles per hour that can pick up and throw objects around as if they were toys. Cars, roofs, large pieces of metal or wood, and other flying debris can smash into homes. There is little one can do in this situation, but finding the safest shelter is the best bet. You may not be able to prevent serious damage to your home, but you can protect your life.

* Should the incoming hurricane grow a category 4 or 5, you will be advised to seek evacuate or, at the least, seek higher ground. Avoid trying to sit it out in your basement, as you might be trapped in a flood situation.

* If you can or must evacuate your community, travel light. Take only those items that you will need over a 24-48 hour period. A change of clothes, drinking water, and food should be included in your evacuation gear.

* As you drive to the nearest mass transportation outlet or in your own automobile, drive slowly and carefully. High winds and whipping rains will make it difficult to see, and accidents become very likely. Do NOT panic. This could also cause needless accidents and spread fearful behavior to other people in the same situation.

* The hurricane will pass in a few hours, and you will mostly likely be allowed to return to your home. Don’t worry: the terrible flooding that kept people from returning to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina was not the norm. Levees broke down, creating an abnormal situation.

What about After the Hurricane?

* After a hurricane has happened, review your family’s actions to see if your plan was reasonable and effective. Hurricanes are a fact of life in coastal areas, and you can benefit from your experience by preparing a better plan for the next time.

* Communities can only decide AFTER the hurricane whether their emergency plan and procedures were adequate. One good indicator is low loss of life or injuries being reported. The level of property damage will also be a sign of how effective emergency procedures were.

* State, city, and local governments who go through a hurricane should take stock after the event to do what they can to improve their plan and procedures. Citizens should ask government representatives about the results of their performance reviews and insist on necessary improvements.

Emergency preparedness for hurricanes is everyone’s business and everyone’s responsibilities.

While governments are preparing to protect citizens’ lives and property, individuals and families must plan their own solutions for personal health and safety and for protecting private property.

There is nothing anyone can do when nature decides to leash out its fury. There is no way to stop it so people should brace for the worse and seek shelter.

In order to minimize the loss of life, most towns and cities have created emergency plans.

Sirens are placed in strategic locations to announce a major evacuation; the emergency broadcast system is in place in the event that power and electricity has been cut off as well as stockpiles of food, water and medicine.

Those who live in the coastal communities will usually be battered by hurricanes. This happens between the months of June until November in the Atlantic and from May to November in the northern Pacific Ocean.

When this is first spotted on radar, the forecaster will already inform the public about it. There is no need yet to panic here since the weather conditions may change in the next few hours but if there are no improvements, it is time to activate emergency procedures.

The hurricane may pack winds exceeding more than a 100 miles per hour that can make cars, pieces of metal or wood cause severe damage to the home. Households can board up the windows and doors of the house with hurricane shutters and plywood.

People will rush to the supermarket to stock up on food, water and other essentials. These include candles, batteries for the radio and the flashlight as well as fuel for the generator.

All of these things are necessary especially water to prevent dehydration so every possible container must be used including the bathtub.

The most important which must never be forgotten is a medical kit. This should have bandages and some antibiotics to be able to treat anyone who is ill or injured until the person can be brought out to a medical facility for better treatment.

Should the incoming hurricane be classified as a category 4 or 5, residents are advised to evacuate and seek higher ground. It will be a good idea to travel light so only a few pieces of clothing, food and water must be brought into the vehicle.

The citizens are also advised to drive slowly and avoid panicking since this could cause accidents on the road. The hurricane will pass within a few hours. This is the only time that people will be able to go out or return to see how much damage was done.

It is only after assessing the damage that towns and cities can say whether the emergency preparedness procedures that were sent in place were effective or not. One indication that it works is if no casualties are reported. This is because a house or even a building can be repaired but the life of an individual can never be replaced.

The people who live in the household can rehearse the emergency preparedness plan to see if some improvements need to be made. This is because time is off the essence in order to be safe in this type of crisis.

Emergency preparedness is key to ensure the survival of everyone present. People who live through this annually know what to do but those who are moving into the community should learn fast to be able to survive the onslaught of the hurricane.

Prepare For A Flood The Best Way You Can

Did you know that floods are the most common natural disaster in America? The Red Cross reports that, every year, floods take more than 100 lives and cause more than $4 billion
in damages.

Here are some tips everyone should know to prepare for that inevitable flood:

* Anticipate the Expected

You should know what impacts a flood could have on your home and property. The flow of water is easy to predict, and local terrain is a known factor. Try to estimate the damages if a tree was ripped from the ground and into your house or if debris should slide down the hill into your yard.

* Ask Questions

Local planning agencies have very good information about the location of flood plains and water flows throughout the community. Be sure to find out where your property is located relative to flood areas, and find out if there is a history of flooding where you live.

* Educate Yourself

Learn the history of previous flood level high water marks on buildings and other structures near yours.

Were escape routes cut off and when?

Know the signs of imminent flooding and learn what type of alerts your community uses to warn citizens of impending floods.

* Get with the Plan

It’s critical that you know what your community plans do to in case evacuation becomes necessary. Know how they will provide transportation and local emergency travel routes. Find out if there is a step-by-step plan you can follow to best cooperate with the community’s effort.

* Insure your Property

Especially for people in flood-prone areas, normal home insurance will probably not cover flooding. But finding and having individual private flood insurance has many benefits:

– it covers specific losses

– it’s usually relatively inexpensive

– it covers you even when your area is not declared a formal “disaster area”

– you may not have to repay property or reconstruction loans

– you know you will be paid because the National Flood Insurance Program backs all approved policies

– you may be able to get a partial payment very quickly after the event to begin repairs

* Protect Important Documents

Make sure your passports, birth certificates, insurance policies, deeds, stock certificates, and other important documents are in a secure, waterproof location and container. Also be sure it’s in a place where you can get to it easily.

* Consider a Home Reconfiguration

If your fireplace, furnace, electric panel, or water heater is now in your basement or ground floor, consider having them moved to your attic. While this may be costly, it will save you in the long run, especially if you live in flood-prone area.

You should also find out about local building codes and requirements to find out whether you can build retaining walls and barriers to protect your home.

* Plug It Up

Check trap sewers in your house with check valves to be sure flood water can’t leak into your house from the community’s sewer system. During flood emergencies, you may want to use stoppers or corks to plug your tubs and sinks as well.

* Protect by Waterproofing

Be sure the walls of your basement and lower floors are watertight. Use waterproof compounds to seal cracks so that water can’t get in.

* Keep Necessities at Hand

Be sure you have a flood kit by assuring there are a battery-operated radio and other supplies readily available. Set aside some fresh drinking water, canned goods, extra clothing, and blankets in a dry area that won’t be flooded. Most important, keep a first aid kit updated and well-supplied.

Careful preparation is the best way to prevent damage and injury from floods. Especially if you live in at low altitudes or in coastal areas, you are likely to have this experience at least once in your life. You’ll be much happier if you know what to do and take the proper precautions before

a flood washes through your life.

Prepare For The Worst Hurricanes In The Best Way Possible Way

USA Today.com reports that, over one century, the United States is likely to be struck by about 280 hurricanes, 81 of those being major storms with winds over 111 miles per hour. On average, one major hurricane lands somewhere on the US coast every year.

Hurricanes are powerful storms, bringing high winds and rain. A category 3 hurricane, considered “extensive” on the Saffir-Simpson scale, can have winds from 111-130 miles per hour and storm surges from 9 to 12 feet. A category 5 hurricane, the “extreme” variety, can contain winds over 155 miles an hour and storm surges over 18 feet.

These tropical cyclones (the term describing both hurricanes and typhoons) are extremely dangerous. During the United States’ hurricane season, from June through November, individuals and families who live in coastal areas should be prepared for their onslaught.

There are a few things you can do to protect your family and your property for the threats presented by a hurricane coming your way:

* Stay Aware

Every hurricane has different and unpredictable characteristics. The best bet is to be prepared for the worst, category 5, hurricane.

* Have a Plan and Checklist

While your family plans for their response to a hurricane, take an inventory. Make a list of items outdoors that you will need to bring into the house or other shelter to prepare for a storm. This may be your lawn furniture, gardening equipment and tools, or large toys.

* Give your Lawn a Manicure

Maintaining a healthy yard, including trees and shrubs, will keep it strong to withstand high winds. Keeping trees and plants trimmed and neat will also prevent the weakest branches from being snapped off to land in your bedroom!

* Stay High and Dry

Check your gutters and drains frequently, and be sure they are clear of debris. This will reduce potential flooding in yard and home. Why add through negligence what Mother Nature will bring your way?

* Invest in Hurricane Shutters

Installing permanent shutters for windows and doors is much safer, and more attractive, than relying on plywood or tape over glass. If the storm is predicted to be a category 4 or 5 hurricane, you may want to add plywood over the outside to reinforce indoor shutters.

* Have an Escape Route

Be prepared to evacuate your home should it become necessary. Know where to find emergency information over the radio or through emergency agencies like the Red Cross. Find out where the official emergency travel routes are in your community, and identify nearby shelters.

* Prepare to Camp Out

Families that have been camping and have camping equipment will do better than those who’ve never roughed it.

Whether you’re on the road or in a shelter, you’ll want to have sleeping bags or blankets and a change of clothes. It’s a good idea to bring your own fresh drinking water as well.

* Consider Spot and Fluffy

Decide in advance what you’ll do to protect and care for your pets. After the experience of Katrina with authorities forcing people being evacuated by bus to abandon their pets on the side of the road, agencies are more aware that pet owners do not want to abandon their pets. Have a supply of food and water set aside that you can either leave at home for the pet or bring with you.

* Set up a Supply Cache

To help you respond quickly, set up supplies that may be needed during the storm, whether you stay at home or evacuate. Include clean water, flashlights, batteries, a transistor radio, food, a
can opener, blankets, extra clothing, and the all-important first aid kit.

* Unplug

Unplug appliances and equipment to reduce energy use and fire hazards. You don’t know what kind of damages your house will suffer, and you don’t want to find a pile of ashes when you return. If you leave your refrigerator plugged in, set it to the highest setting.

* Consider some Reconstruction

If you are in an area that has frequent storms and flooding, you might want to look at elevating your home. If you can’t do that, you might develop alternatives for getting furniture off the bottom floors.

Preparing for hurricanes is a fact of life for many Americans that live on our coasts. If you haven’t done so in the past, now is a good time to sit down and make a plan to protect you, your family, and your property from the extensive damage a hurricane can impose.

Safety Emergency Preparation For A Tornado Twister

If you’ve ever seen a tornado, you know what a powerful and terrifying thing this unpredictable natural disaster can be. And if you’re a citizen of “Tornado Alley,” you’ll want to know what to do if a tornado should make its way to your door!

Every year from March to May, Midwest and southern states are plagued by tornadoes.

Northern states’ risks are slightly later, from late spring to early summer. Tornadoes are unpredictable, sudden, violent columns of rotating air that pick up dirt, debris, and even very large items and toss them like pick-up sticks. The winds of most tornadoes reach speeds of over 100 miles an hour, and some have been clocked at over 300 miles per hour.

What makes a tornado truly dangerous is its unpredictability. It can descend from the clouds without warning and disappear just as quickly. And tornadoes don’t follow a predictable path.

They can make 90-degree turns without warning. And they are harder to spot and track from satellites.

You can only be sure there’s a tornado nearby by seeing it. Or you may hear the sound of a train roaring where no track have been laid. There’s not much you can do to protect your home and property from tornado damage.

If it wants your house, it will get your house. But there are certain precautions you can take to protect yourself from the ravages of the deadly tornado.

How Can I tell if a Tornado is Likely?

* A tornado looks like a funnel. Some are long and spindly, and some are thick and wide. The long thin tornado is more unpredictable, acting like a whip across the landscape. But a thick, wide tornado may pack higher winds.

* Tornadoes are associated with severe thunderstorms (called supercells), particularly where air temperatures are significantly less than ground temperatures.

* Tornadoes may occur right before or after a cold or warm front has passed through the area.

* Tornadoes are frequently present when there is heavy rain, hail, and powerful winds during a thunderstorm.

* Residents of Tornado Alley report a subtle greenish-tint to clouds that form tornado funnels.

How Will I Know When the Tornado Will Hit my House?

* Winds and rain may decrease suddenly immediately before a tornado strikes.

* Tornadoes are more likely at the leading edge and trailing end of a severe thunderstorm.

* There is usually a lot of dust and debris in the air around a tornado, even when you can’t see the funnel. Close-up, the tornado may resemble a violent low-lying cloud.

* Because the air is rotating at high speeds, you may see debris rotating in a circular whirling path.

* Immediately before a tornado hits, you can hear what sounds like an on-coming freight train. That is the sound of the high-speed wind.

What Can I do to Protect Myself?

* If you see a tornado, or if the sky becomes suddenly darer and takes on a violet to greenish glow, take cover. While you may not be hit directly by the tornado, you can be severely injured by flying debris.

* Tornadoes tend to follow higher ground. If you are outdoors, find a ditch or trench if you can’t find cover. Many people find shelter on the highway at underpasses. Out in the open, do not stay in your car, as it will offer little protection. Lie flat, and cover your head.

* Storm cellars or basements are the safest place to go during a tornado. But if you don’t have one in your house, try to find a central location with few windows or glass doors. If the glass breaks, you could be hurt or killed by severe lacerations.

* If you are in an apartment or tall building, seek shelter near the center of the building. Bathrooms and kitchens seem to offer more protection because the pipes make the walls stronger. Sometimes whole structures disappear, but the bathroom or an interior closet remains.

When the storm has passed, it’s time to assess the damage and begin to recover. You may find pieces of furniture or personal items miles away, undamaged. You may find a fragile straw implanted through a tree or phone pole. Tornadoes have almost mystical powers and do some very strange things.

Community clean-up and support are tremendously important after a tornado. Coming with little warning and wiping out whole lifetimes leaves victims drained and feeling powerless. If you are a victim, seek support from neighbors and family. If you are, offer your support to those who have suffered.

Tsunami Emergency Preparation

In 2004, a powerful tsunami washed over coastal areas in Southeast Asia, extending all the way to Africa’s west coast. The tsunami took more than 200,000 lives, and some people were never recovered or identified. Much of this loss might have been avoided had an effective emergency preparedness system been in place.

The 2004 tsunami may have been the most deadly in recorded history, but it was not the first – 25 of them were recorded in the 20th Century alone. And while many of them have happened in the South Pacific, tsunamis have been recorded all over the world, from Japan to Chile, from Italy to the United Kingdom. New Zealand’s geologic record documents a tsunami 125,000 years ago, and written history documents these disasters as early as 1580 B.C. (following the Santorini volcano).

Until very recently, scientists have not been able to predict when and where a tsunami will strike, making emergency preparedness very difficult. Caused by earthquakes, volcanoes, and landslides on the sea floor, today we can make and educated guess about when they will happen after such an event.

Today, regions at high risk may use a tsunami warning system to warn people before the wave reaches coastal areas. Computer models are used to predict the time and location of impact.

Until now, the exact location where tsunamis will strike cannot yet be predicted. But once an underground earthquake occurs, an alert is sent to coastal communities that something could go in that direction. Emergency preparedness efforts are more likely to succeed when these alerts are timely.

The famous “Ring of Fire,” where many volcanoes have occurred along the lines where tectonic plates meet in the Asian Pacific, was not adequately protected by an early warning system in 2004. This was a valuable lesson for coastal areas around the world, and scientists are working hard to prepare for future events in that area.

Emergency preparedness for tsunamis begins with early warning systems that include four elements: information, advisory, watch, and warning. When the system detects an underground earthquake, Hawaii’s Pacific Tsunami Warning Center releases the news to the effected communities. Because it is too early to predict the size, time, or location of the potential tsunami at this stage, a more general advisory will be delivered to likely targets. It may take hours from the seismic event to the actual tsunami.

Where evidence suggests that a tsunami is likely but hasn’t been witnessed or verified, early warning systems issue a watch alerting populations to the likelihood. Emergency preparedness plans dictate that, at this time, people in coastal areas should be alert and watch the sea for signs, like a quick receding of ocean waters that a tsunami is on its way. A siren may be used to alert the people, anywhere from three hours before the event is expected. If the water does begin to recede, a mandatory evacuation will begin.

Once a tsunami has been seen and verified, they issue a warning with more detailed information about where and when the giant wave will it. A siren will again alert people. Once a warning is issued, people should already be moving out of the danger zone. They can go to high ground or try to go farther inland, taking fresh water, food, and extra clothing with them as they go. Part of the emergency preparedness effort includes announcements that will be made over the radio telling them when it’s safe to return.

The early warning system continues to work during and after the event. People will remain in the area to monitor the situation and to cancel the warning if the tsunami does not materialize.

World leaders now recognize how important emergency preparedness is to potential tsunami victims. They encourage community leaders to develop plans and conduct exercises so that they know how long it will take to evacuate vulnerable areas. They should also have current
estimates on the number of people in the area so that they’ll know if people are missing after the crisis has passed.

Tsunami: What To Do And How To Survive

Until December 2004, most of us thought of tsunamis as the makings of a good disaster movie, if we knew what “tsunami” meant at all. But with the awful devastation of 2004, we realized how much damage a tsunami can do.

What is a Tsunami

Tsunamis are not large tropical storms caused by high winds. They are the result of undersea geological events like volcanoes, landslides, or earthquakes that occur with massive tectonic displacements. Earthquakes that reach 6.5 or above (Richter scale) can produce devastating waves that move at up to 300 miles per hour, reach heights of 100 feet, and last from several minutes to several hours from first wave to last surge.

In the open sea, the tsunami may not be noticeable as more then a humping of the ocean, but when they enter shallower waters, the begins to “pile up” on itself, creating a massive wave that can destroy tall buildings and even travel inland for miles with great power.

Where Tsunamis Strike

Coastal areas in the Pacific Ocean basin are the most frequent targets of tsunamis, reflecting the greater vulnerability related to the famous “Ring of Fire” where tectonic plates meet to form a great circle on the sea floor. Japan has experienced many tsunamis. In fact, tsunami is a Japanese word. They’ve also hit Alaska and Hawaii in the Pacific Basin and Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands in the Atlantic basin.

The Indian Ocean area has experienced many tsunamis as well, the 2004 tsunami taking more than 250,000 lives and destroying billions of dollars in property.

Preparing for a Tsunami Emergency

If you are in the water and feel a strong earthquake, leave the water immediately, getting as far from the beach as you can. Try to go to high ground, or go inland as far as possible if the ground near you is flat.

If people at the beach are remarking, “Where’s the water going?” If you can see the incoming wave, you can’t escape it. You simply don’t have time. The best thing to do in that case is to get as high as you can as quickly as you can.

If you sense a strong earthquake and you are not at the beach, tune your radio to a local station that broadcasts during emergencies. They will notify the public in case a tsunami watch or warning has been issued, and they will let you know where emergency relief centers are.

At this point, you should know where your family members are. Make sure everyone knows about the alert. You should have an agreed-upon meeting place in case you’re not all in the same place when the emergency is announced. Your meeting location should be as far from the shore as possible but not so far that people can’t get to it in time.

Be sure to prepare for family members with special needs. If your family includes elderly, ill, or small children, be prepared to have help for them or try to evacuate them early. You may also want to prepare to evacuate your pets as well, bringing emergency food and water for them.

You should have prepared emergency supplies in your home. Bring them with you when you evacuate. At least take fresh water, some food, and extra clothing. Most important, have a first aid kit in case of injuries.

If you have time, you might try to secure your house, but not at the risk of your own life. There is little you can do to protect your possessions from an incoming tsunami, so focus on saving lives first.

Tsunami Watch or Tsunami Warning

The two terms have important different meanings. When authorities issue a tsunami watch, it means that a tsunami is possible, but no one has reported seeing one or a sighting hasn’t been verified yet. A watch may include estimates for when and where a tsunami may strike.

When they issue a tsunami warning, it means that a tsunami has been reported and confirmed.

By the time they issue the warning, the tsunami could be close. The warning will also let you know where to expect it to strike and when.

During the Wave

If you are unfortunate enough to find yourself at the mercy of an incoming tsunami, climb onto a rooftop or the highest point you can reach. The more stable the building, the safer the support will be. But get as high as you can no matter what. Hold on as tight as you can to any stable and heavy object available. If you must, climb a tree.

If you’ve already been overtaken by the water, grab something floating that’s large enough to support you and hold onto it until you can find stable ground or get help. Grab anything that seems firm and try to get out of the water. The current will be strong, and you could be hurt by debris in the water. If you can get any part of your body out of the water, do so.

You have to accept that tsunamis, like most natural disasters, are uncontrollable. You will have the earthquake warning to give you time to escape.

Keep your head. Remain calm. The better prepared you are, the better your chances of surviving.

Emergency Preparation Tips For Typhoons

Almost all countries with coastlines are plagued by typhoons. This tropical cyclone is the same type of storm as a hurricane (in the Atlantic) or cyclone (in the Indian Ocean). Typhoons are massive accumulations of wind and rain rotating around a central low-pressure zone that develop over large bodies of water, more likely oceans. A tropical storm becomes a typhoon when its winds reach 74 miles per hour.

Typhoons form in the Western North Pacific and tend to affect China, Japan, and the Philippines. At the extreme, typhoon wind speeds can reach up to 150 miles an hour, and gusts can reach 300 mph. Along with these strong winds come torrential rains and a devastating storm surge that can reach 20 feet above normal water levels. These tropical storms tend to dissipate when they can no longer get their energy from the warm water. When it moves over land, its energy source quickly disappears, and the storm begins to lose its power.

Unlike tornadoes, typhoons and hurricanes do not form suddenly. It takes several days before a minor storm becomes a major typhoon. Normally starting as a normal thunderstorm, the right conditions can build them into intense weather disturbances. Thanks to modern satellites and communication systems, it is easy to spot and track typhoons. Weather bureaus can, therefore, inform people well before a typhoon event that the danger is approaching.

Most countries subject to frequent tycoons have established safety procedures and plans to help people prepare and prevent injuries and property damage. By the time a typhoon is close, local authorities will already have issued warnings, anywhere from 24-48 hours before the predicted landfall. People in the area should follow these tips to stay safe:

* Store enough fresh drinking water and food for several days. The typhoon’s destructive power may make it impossible to return home right away or to get to groceries or markets. Further, the storm may destroy local water delivery systems.

* If you are caught outdoors during the storm, seek high ground and find some type of durable shelter.

* If your home is not strong enough to withstand powerful wind gusts and rapid flooding, seek cover at a designated evacuation center or shelter. Don’t risk your life by staying in a poorly-constructed building.

* If you do stay home, turn off and unplug electric appliances and equipment to avoid possible electrical shorts and fires. Frequently, your local utility will cut off power to prevent additional emergencies.

* Make sure you have adequate protective rain gear to keep warm and dry in case you need to flee the area.

* If you are indoors during the storm, stay there. Going outside may expose you to fallen power lines or flying debris that is extremely dangerous.

* Make sure you have a battery-powered radio to monitor the situation through local news services whether the community’s power is on or off.

Man hasn’t learned how to prevent typhoons, but we can anticipate their direction and power soon enough to find safety and survive. Being well-prepared will spare you the emotional stress of panic and avoid making possibly deadly mistakes. Fear and panic are responsible for many lost lives, and that is one condition you can control.

Don’t Be Blown Off By A Typhoon

Wherever you live, you will probably experience a typhoon. Typhoons, also called tropical cyclones, occur near the equator in the Eastern Pacific and are equivalent to hurricanes and cyclones. Like all great storms, they can destroy property and kill people.

A powerful reminder of Nature’s strength, typhoons are characterized by high-speed winds and driving rain rotating around a low-pressure center. Through the modern miracles of weather satellites, meteorologists can observe, track, and predict their strength and movement.

Pacific typhoons have been recorded throughout the year, but they seem to peak from August to October. In the Pacific Northwest, the range is greater – from May to November. Normally, their paths follow one of three directions: a straight westward path, curving paths impacting Japan and China, and northward paths that seem to only affect small islands.

The causes of typhoons are not well-understood, but there are some factors that seem to be common to them. One is warmer water temperature, particularly with rapid cooling in the atmosphere. High humidity is present. They usually seem to form more that 500 kilometers (310 miles) from the equator.

If a the weather service broadcasts a warning that typhoon is nearing your area, there are measures you can take to avoid loss of life and property. Here is a quick run-down of the things

you can do before it arrives:

1. Repair broken doors and windows, and make sure your exits are free of obstructions in case you need to get out (or in) quickly. Tape over big glass windows that could be shattered by flying debris. If you have time, cover windows with plywood or storm shutters.

2. If your area is flood-prone, plan to move to an evacuation center or to higher ground before the water level reaches one meter (or a little over 3 feet). Try to park your car on high ground. Secure your garbage indoors where it won’t be carried away by the flood and create more health problems.

3. Store enough food and fresh drinking water for a few days. You may well lose power, so stock up on candles, batteries, rain gear, and thick blankets.

4. Secure items like furniture in your yard or on your balcony. Better yet, bring them indoors. Also remove anything from your roof that might be easily blown away (which could leave a hole such as wind turbines for attic ventilation, always have covers for these on hand).

5. Clear out gutters and drains around your house to avoid adding to the flood damage problem the typhoon will visit on your area.

6. Carry a battery-powered radio with you to listen to the news about the typhoon. Know what’s happening in your area. Stay alert for announcements for emergency evacuations, and be sure you know what the evacuation routes are, where shelters are located, and how to get help if you need it.

7. Even when the typhoon seems to be over, and the sky is clear, do not leave your home or shelter until the authorities tell you it is safe. You may be in the eye of the storm, where all is peaceful and quiet. But this is deceptive: you still have to go through the other side of the typhoon.

8. After the typhoon, check your home and property for potentially dangerous damages. Clear large items from doorways and paths. Be sure to check electrical appliances and outlets for possible shorts that could start fires. Make sure your gas service is being delivered properly for the same reason. Inspect trees for damaged branches that might still fall on your house. And have your car inspected for water damages that may not be apparent until you want to go somewhere!

What Do You Do When A Volcano Erupts Tomorrow?

Among the most powerful and destructive natural disasters, volcanic eruptions are catastrophic.

They can build and destroy mountains. They can wipe out many villages and towns in a matter of moments. They can even cause global changes in the Earth’s climate.

In 1883, the famous Krakatoa eruption send more than 25 cubic kilometers of ash, rock, and pumice into the environment. Heard as far away as 2000 miles, it made the loudest sound ever reported. After it was over, over 165 towns and over 36,000 people were destroyed. In the year after the eruption, the world’s temperature dropped over one degree Celsius, and normal temperatures did not return for another six years.

Scientists, who study volcanoes are called volcanologists, are learning how to predict the likelihood and severity of eruptions. But they’re a long way from being able to tell us when a volcano will blow its top. While there may be some general signs, like tremors or unusual animal behavior, it is important to understand some basic about the event so that you can prepare to response in an emergency to a volcanic event.

1. Become familiar with the terms scientists use to describe volcanoes and volcanic eruptions.

That way, you can better understand news reports and information.

Volcanic ash is small dust particles and pieces of rock that are erupted into the air with volcanic gases. These ashes are highly acidic and can decompose fabrics, corrode metals, clog machinery, and block water flows. Volcanic ash kills animals and plants. It is hard on those with diseases, especially to infants and old people with lung problems. On roofs, it can build up to weights that will cause the building to collapse. Mixed with water, volcanic ask is like cement. It hardens quickly, making breathing deadly.

Pyroclastic flows are streams of molten volcanic rock, called lava. The speed at which they move depends on the terrain and the composition of the lava. Some pyroclastic flows move very quickly, engulfing everything in their path.

2. Learn the most likely places in your area for pyroclastic flows. Since they are semi-liquid, they’ll probably follow low-lying areas like riverbeds and floodplains.

3. If a nearby volcano shows signs of erupting, stay away from it. The eruption could happen in the blink of an eye. If you’re too close, you won’t be able to escape.

4. If the government asks you to evacuate, do it immediately. Remember Pompeii. Even if your community isn’t flooded by pyroclastic flows, it could be buried in ash. The only way to
protect yourself is to get out of the area. While you might find the illusion of protection in buildings, they can also become death traps.

5. Avoid crossing bridges that could be swept away in a fast-moving mudflow. If you must use a bridge to escape, try to find out what’s happening upstream so that you aren’t caught unawares in an oncoming river of mud.

6. If the volcano is releasing volcanic gases, stay inside and leave your doors and windows closed. Wear a mask to protect your lungs.

7. When it is safe to do so, immediately remove volcanic ash from your rain gutters and roof. Volcanic ash is very heavy and can collapse buildings. As noted before, it can also become like concrete if it gets wet and permanently clog your pipes, drains, and gutters.

8. If you must drive, avoid places that already have a thick layer of ash or dust. And drive slowly to avoid getting caught in mudslides or pyroclastic flows.

9. Be prepared to provide your own necessities to carry you through several days of primitive living. Take spare batteries, heavy-duty dust masks, protective clothing, fresh drinking water, and enough food to keep your energy level up.

If you are in an area near an active volcano, you owe it to yourself to understand how volcanoes behave and the threats they present. Know what to do to preserve your life and protect your property. And if there are any signs of impending eruption, listen to the radio for updates and important life-saving information.

Volcanoes are one of nature’s most powerful forces, and much of their damage can’t be prevented. Even after the eruption has passed, the event isn’t over. There’ll be massive clean-up, slow reconstruction, and lingering environmental and health problems. However, the better informed and prepared you are for such a terrible event, the more likely you will be to survive and remain healthy.

Zombie War Emergency Preparation – Getting Ready For The Disaster

Peace of mind is fast becoming a scarce commodity in all parts of the world. If the threat of zombies is not from over the boarders it is from within – civil war with the dead is what every country fears more than international aggression. The risk of having to face a civil war with our own infected is an omnipresent risk and people need to need to be educated vis-à-vis what they need to do in times of pandemic.

There are many countries such as those in Southern Africa that are no longer affected by a civil war, in fact living with aggression from the rage virus has become a part of their lives, never the less they are well versed with ways of defending themselves and finding food and nutrition for their families. In Africa alone zombies have displaced as many as 5 million families many of them are living in evacuation camps set up by the army and social service organizations like the Red Cross.

Zombie war is no different than a conventional war fought between two countries; the only difference is that the army is fighting the living dead within the country. Nevertheless zombie war can be a very devastating experience especially for women and children who in most cases are not equipped to fend for themselves. Apart from food, shelter and clothing problems war with the sick and the dead brings with it atrocities in the form of human rights violations – from military as well as civilian gangs taking advantage of the horrors of war.

Every family living in a country that is threatened by zombie warfare needs to put in place a contingency plan in case there is any signs the dead cannot rest. These people should never live in the hope that their government will provide for them in days of darkness. Government, at most times, will heap atrocities on the people in times of plaguers warfare – remember that the government is fighting infected dead and deader civilians in their own country. So, civilians are the enemy!

Preparations for the hell of the living dead should include family survival courses where they are trained in the art of self defense as well as the use of fire arms and other weapon training. While training in the use of fire arms adolescents must also be made aware of the dangers of handling a dangerous weapon, not just the adults.

Knowledge of first aid is very important in times of war and so every civilian must be well versed with the use of various first aid techniques. First aid kits must be prepared and kept ready to deal with non-bite open wounds as well as diseases such as diarrhea, malaria and other general contagious infectious diseases.

Families facing the threat of zombie warfare need to prepare to be displaced in the hope of escaping violence. These people must prepare a displacement kit that would necessarily include all necessities such as covering, clothes and shoes. These times will mean living on the road for months without shelter. Your displacement kit will be of great help in these times. Include only the bare necessities in the kit to keep it light.

If displaced to a shelter, immediately volunteer to work for the red cross. The work will be distressing, but it should provide you with better food and shelter. When the camp is overrun, leave quickly.

It is necessary to prepare for an emergency rather than hope it will not happen. So, if you are prepared you will have taken care of a few of your worries at least, and you will have improved your chances of survival of the dead.

Police Search And Seizure Of Your Defense Weapons

Note: Not to be taken as legal advice. May not apply under martial law. When preparing for zombie defense do not make yourself or your property offensive to neighbors or attractive to law enforcement.

Search and Seizure procedure is a well known phenomenon in the police department. This procedure is absolutely legal and it allows any official from the law enforcement department to conduct a search on one’s individual property in suspicions of any kind of criminal activity or for any crime committed by an individual. There are several rules to be followed when carrying out a search and seizure procedure.

Even when no crime has taken place, police may seize weapons to protect the community until they have checked you out, which could take longer then zombie armageddon.

Unauthorized search and seizure cannot be carried out by any police official, and it is condemned. Everyone has his right to claim his privacy and can question when it is invaded. Anyone whose property is going to be checked can actually demand a warrant, in which case, a warrant must be submitted before the raid is conducted.

The United States Constitution has put the search and seizure procedure in the fourth amendment act. The violation of the fourth amendment act is pretty common in the society. This act gives the assurance that the any citizen can claim security against the whole idea of seizure.

There must be a very valid reason for the search warrant to be issued by the judge in the court.

The warrants are not always issued when there is a lack of evidence in the case. Fourth amendment is a weird rule with certain requirements that have to be brought in when the court deals with the search and seizure procedure.

If a search warrant was issued, and if there is a valid reason behind it, there are certain things that can question the fidelity of the warrant. And it’s the duty to assure the individual that
a proper procedure has been carried over to get the consent of the concerned authorities to carry the search out.

In case there is no warrant, a search can be conducted with the consent of the person whose place is being raided. There are no points to state that a search is voluntary. The court decides if the case given is valid or not after looking into the situation. The law enforcement people don’t have the necessity to inform the concerned person about the search.

In case there is another party involved, who is the owner of the property, then, they have all the right to give a permission to search the house without the present tenant’s permission.

The search and seizure procedure was instituted in such a way that the government has the maximum hold over the rule, anyone who is suspected can be searched without prior information, all that is required is a proper notice to the concerned authorities as to why the procedure is going to be carried out on that particular individual.

The whole idea behind this search and seizure procedure is to ensure that the community is protected from all sorts of wrong happenings. It is true that ones privacy needs to be respected, and nobody wants to go home with a feeling that his rights have been overstepped, but, this is seen in a more wider perspective as a society, and not as an individual. This is the reason for which the fourth amendment was coined.

It is always wise for you to keep yourself aware about all the rights that you have and what can be done to protect it. The best idea to protect yourself from all these hassles is to be a citizen who abides by the law, so that you will stay out of trouble.

Zombie Outbreak Preparation

In 1918 the Spanish Flu arrived in the U.S. carried by troops returning from WW I. By year’s end Influenza would kill over 675,000 and sicken millions. Yet the worse epidemic the U.S. has ever known ran out of gas and vanished as quickly as it came. It had killed everyone it could and was unable to mutate to kill others already resistant to the original form. Modern plagues like the aids virus are smart viruses, they mutate to escape the cure and make the next harder. If the aids virus ever becomes airborne we could all become walking dead.

For as long as the zombie virus is passed by fluids in bites, gore entering cuts and scratches, the trick will be to avoid bites and any other forms of contact.

Should the zombie plague become airborne only those already immune and immune/carriers will survive and not turn. Though it is possible a stronger dose from a bite will overpower what immunity there is.

Before the Plague Officially Begins

Emergency prep is pretty much 90% the same for all emergencies: Have flashlights, batteries, first aid kit, food, camping supplies, bug-out-bag, etc.

“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”

Media gate keepers will enforce a blackout to keep the public from learning what’s happening.   Government will do what it does with everything, lie about it. Attempts to cover up eradication will include industrial accidents and blaming terrorists, etc.  Watch for news stories that only make sense when the word, “Zombie” is added.

* Stock up on supplies as you would lay in for any natural disaster including camping gear, food, water, trade goods, weapons and ammo, etc.

* Buy rural land that can be farmed with natural and easy to add barriers and a house that can be secured or a cabin in the woods.

Early in the Plague

* To avoid bites, stay away from zombies.

* If zombies cannot be avoided, wear leather, heavy gloves, kevlar armor clothing, shin guards for arms above and below, neck protection, etc.

* Select a vehicle that will be zombie resistant.

* Decide whether to flee to the north above the frost line or shelter in home.

* Scout structures that will be zombie resistant for later use.

* Concentrate on defense.

* Have a security contractor install wrought iron door and window protection or security mesh that allows for escape from fire, etc. What you would buy for home security if living in Chicago or Detroit.

* Have a contractor install heavy chain link fencing with strongest posts, top and bottom and rails, bury the bottom of the fence a foot deep. 

* Consider wrapping the house in chain link fencing, nail it into the house especially around windows.  Replace any wood doors with steel.  Triple secure any other access such as basement doors and coal shoots, etc.  Spend your money while it’s still worth something.

* Make a best effort attempt to secure additional weapons, fuel, firearms and ammo.

* Consider your scooby-doo zombies defense team carefully, taking in like minded friends and neighbors that can assist in defending the household.

* Keep in mind early zombie elimination may be treated as murder in part to hush up the problem.  The authorities DO NOT need you to prove zombies exist!

* Organize a neighborhood patrol for when police stop responding to calls.

* Establish shooting positions, concrete blocks to provide cover from marauders, for those keeping watch on the property or so houses can setup a cross fire.

State of Emergency: When the Outbreak Begins In Ernest

* This is the part books and movies gloss over, when people get the crazies trying to find shelter, gather up supplies by any method including killing and looting to get what they want.

*  Trust no one.  Let no one in you do not know and make sure they aren’t being held at gun point to request entry.  Make sure they weren’t bitten, even if they have to undress on the doorstep.

* Humans vs. zombies by this point the humans running ahead of the zombies will be more dangerous then the zombies themselves.  Do what is necessary to keep your people safe.

28 Days Later

* At some point the relatively healthy zombies will have chased the remaining civilians out of town, turned them or eaten them. This will leave a nightmare city of the living dead with a few survivors holed up and many ankle bitters and resident evil dead trapped in structures.

* Before the return of the living dead, now is the time to consider relocation to a more secure structure. Think fortress. Remember there may be others of like mind wanting the same location.

* Up through this point all actions should be taken, with the thought in mind of the army returning and cleaning up the problem. Think ending of, The Mist. Who knows it could happen!?!

Zombie Nation

All broadcasts have ceased, zombies walk the earth and last of the living humans cower. Now is the time to go omega man, last man on earth I am legend. Take a place you can survive in while waging war on the evil dead. Life in the deadlands may be tough, but not impossible.

See you on the other side.

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